Chapter 19

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"How much longer?" Cory asked pacing around. "Twenty minutes until the debate" Riley answered looking at her watch, "I'm gonna kill it. Right Topanga?" Cory asked turning over to his wife. "Of course honey" Topanga patted her husbands shoulder and looked back at her computer screen. "How much longer?" Cory asked again. "One minute less then twenty minutes dad" Riley said annoyed. Cory sat down and but his nails. "Gross dad" Auggie said disgusted. Riley's phone beeped and she took it out. She smiled when she saw Lucas she's name.

Lucas 😍💞
Meet me between boot 5&6 in ten minutes xx

Riley tucked her phone away and turned to her mom. "Hey mom, can I go see Maya?" Riley asked. Her mother nodded probably not even knowing what Riley asked. Riley hopped out of her seat and walked inside the halls. She looked around and counted the numbers until she came at booth 5. She slipped behind it and looked around. "Lucas?" She whispered. No response. She took her phone out of her pocket to check if she was right but suddenly it got hit out of her hand and she was pushed against the side of a booth. "What are you doing here Matthews?" A tall muscular scary guy hissed. Riley reconized the Friar international logo on his shirt. "Nothing, I'm just waiting to meet up with someone" Riley said. Another guy held her wrists above her and right against the wall. "Liar! What are you trying to get? Information? Ideas?" He said. "What's going on behind here?" Mr. Friar came out and his eyes became red when he saw Riley. "What are you doing here?" He hissed. "I'm waiting for someone!" Riley said turning away to avoid the spit coming out of their hisses. "Fifteen minutes before the debate? I didn't think so. What do you want?" Mr. Friar yelled pissed. "I'll get it out her" one guy said. He kicked her and she yelped. "Come on just let me go I don't want anything?" She said tears stinging in her eyes. The other guy punched her in the gut. Another guy slipped from behind the booth. Riley reconized the sweet face. "Hey! Let her go" Lucas pushed the guys off Riley and she fell down coughing. "Riles, are you ok?" Lucas asked cupping her face. "Get off her!" Harold pulled his son off but Lucas pulled himself away from his father's grip. "Are you insane? I know you hate the Mathews but this is insane ok?" Lucas kneeled down next to Riley and looked in her eyes. "Lucas, I'm fine. Don't mess this up" Riley whispered. "No they messed it up" Lucas growled facing his dad. "What is wrong with you?" He asked. "Me? You're protecting her?!" His father yelled. "What is going on here?" Victoria and Emily came out and saw the girl in the ground and father and son fighting. "Shit Riley" Emily mumbled. "Harold what did you do?" Victoria asked. "He beated her!" Lucas said pointing over to Riley. "She came here to sneak after us" Harold pointed. "No she didn't she came to see me" Lucas stood up for Riley. "Lucas" Riley hissed. "No Riley. This is enough. He let them beat you" Lucas said. "He will beat you if he finds out" Riley whispered. She tried to stand up but whimpered. "God these guys are strong" she muttered. "Maybe we should bring her to a nurse" Emily said. "Emily stand up" Harold demanded.

"If Emily can't bring her I will" Lucas said. "Enough! Step away from the Matthews kid, we have a big debate to prepare and she's here to mess it up!" Harold yelled pointing threateningly at Riley. Harold took a step closer to Riley but Lucas came in between. "Get away from her" he hissed. "What's the matter with you?!" Harold yelled angry. "You just let your bodyguards beat up the woman I'm in love with!" His dad's jaw fell open and his mother almost fainted. Lucas realized what he said and gulped. Riley spread her eyes and looked over to Emily. "'re..." His father stuttered. "Is this a joke?" Victoria asked. Lucas shook his head and looked down at Riley. "I'm in love with her, for a few months already" Riley smiled and Lucas kneeled down next to her. "She's under my protection" he added. He took her hand and his father was about to explode.

"The big technology debate started in ten minutes" it was heard threw the speakers. "You better go before I beat your ass" Lucas hissed to his father. "Boy, you're young. You're confused. Please tell me you're joking." Harold pleaded. "Go dad! You know the truth but so do I. You just let my girlfriend get beaten. It's gonna take a while before I get over that" Lucas crossed his arms. "Lucas" Riley said with tears stinging in her eyes. "Come on, I'll bring you to the ER" Lucas picked Riley up. "Lucas please" she pleaded but he shook his head. "No. Forget it riles" she looked down and he carried her out. Leaving his family astonished.

"Where is she?" Cory asked looking around nervous. "I don't know honey, calm down" Topanga said trying to calm her husband. Maya walked in with some boxes and Cory breathed relieved. "Oh thank god, wait where's Riley?" Cory asked noticing that Riley was not with Maya. "Isn't she with you guys?" Maya asked. Cory was about to pull the hair out of his head. "She said she was with you" Topanga said confused. "I haven't seen her since she dropped me off" Maya said not understanding the situation. "Looking for your daughter?" Everyone snapped their head towards the deep voice. Cory pulled red and furious. "What do you want Friar?" He hissed. "You won't find her here, we just found her behind our booth" Topanga's eyes widened. "What did you do to her?" Harold snorted at that question. " she messed our son up!" He hissed. Maya muttered some curse words under her breath. "Do you know something Maya?" Cory asked. "Our kids are dating each other apparently" Victoria said. Cory's eyes widened. "What?!" He screeched out. "Maya!" Topanga turned to the short blonde girl. "Um yeah..,they've bin dating for a couple of months in secrecy" Maya admitted. "Who knows this?" Cory asked. "Me, Farkle and Emily" Maya said. "When I get my hands on that boy I'll-" Topanga stops him. "What? You'll do what to our son?" Harold took a step ahead. "Harold stop, you've done enough" Victoria snapped at her husband. "We'll talk to the kids later, you two need to get to the debate" Topanga said pointing to the stage. The two men glared at each other and went up on stage.

"See, it wasn't worth coming here" Riley said while she limped out of the hospital. Lucas held her tight and leaded her to his car. "I just wanted to be sure nothing was seriously wrong." Riley scoffed. "Just a few bruises, not worth all this trouble" Riley mumbled. "If I didn't step in you could've ended up a lot worth. You have no idea what those bodyguards are capable of" Lucas opened the door of his car and Riley sat down in the passenger seat. Lucas slammed the door closed and ran to the drivers side. "You told your parents!" Riley said looking straight ahead of her. "Yeah and it'll only be a matter of time before your parents know" Lucas said. He looked over to Riley who didn't answer. He grasped her hand. "Don't worry, whatever happens. I love you" a soft smile krept onto Riley's face and he squeezed her hand soft. "I love you too" she answered. Lucas started the engine and while holdignrieoys hand tight they drove off the hospitals parking lot. Both preparing for a whole lot of yelling.

A/N: the parents now know. Tell me what you think could happen next. I'm quite exited to see what you think.

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