C3: To Ooo

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Finn's POV

More than just courteous clapping filled the recital hall as I finished my song by Karnivool and tiny whispers of 'How did he do that?' and 'How is he floating?' reached my sensitive ears. I smiled and felt my feet touch the ground once more. Taking a quick bow, I left the stage and sat in my seat for the presentation, as I was the last performer.

"Well," Peppermint Butler said heartily. "Who do you think won, Candy Kingdom? Of course, the winner of Princess Bubblegum's Talent Quest is... Finn!"

I smiled and walked up the stairs of the stage once more with my - Marceline's - bass and bowed again.

"Congratulations, Finn," Pep But said. "It is good to see you again. Would you like to say a few words?"

"Yes," I said extremely loudly, and picked up the microphone. "I just wanna say who that song was for. Now, this person was a really close friend of mine. Heck, we were bros! He's dead, now. But..." My voice cracked. "Okay, look, I can only explain this in song, and I have the perfect one. So listen to this song, and believe. Jake, this is for you!"

I strummed the first few notes of the chorus of Welcome to the Black Parade.

"We'll carry on,
We'll carry on,
And though you're dead and gone believe me
Your memory will carry on
We'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated
Your weary best friend marches on."

I got cheers. I got whistles. And the applause was huge. I smiled and took a bow, before accepting my reward. A trophy, but also Princess Bubblegum's special prize: literally a ticket to fame. Soon, everyone in Ooo would know my name.

Backstage, I was bombarded with screaming fans, all Candy people. My head was lowered and I shielded myself from the cameras. Soon, Bubblegum pulled up in a chariot and invited me in, smiling. "Finn! I heard through the candyvine that you were back to normal but I didn't believe it! So, you won! Good job! I heard you singing, too. Would you believe that I already have a band for you? With a drummer and stuff?"

"Algebraic!" I cried happily. "Who's in it?"

"Oh, me, BMO, FP, and Marcy!"

"Marcy?" I didn't think I heard her right.

"Yeah! Marcy! She said she'd come back once you discovered the gift she left for you, which I supposed was that enchanted bass. So, I contacted her, and she said she'd be happy to be in a band with you, Finn!"


"Well, I built a studio in the forest if I ever needed to practise anything. Come on, let's go!"

The chariot drove us through a trail, until we reached a small wood cabin, sorta like Davey's house. I smiled at the memory. Fun times with Jake, busting him out of jail and such.

We waltzed inside, where Marcy and BMO were lounging around. Marcy was floating and humming "Daddy, why did you eat my fries" to herself.

"Marcy?" I asked cautiously.

One of her eyes opened. She blushed when she saw me. "Hey, Finn."

Suddenly, we heard the clip clop of horse hooves.

"Oh, jeez!" Bubblegum whispered. "I told him no... glob, this could be catastrophic."

A bunch of footsteps came up the stairs, onto the porch. The door swung open, with me standing in front of it.

In front of me was... me.

A girl wearing a white bunny hat, she was, and a blonde bang hung out from it. Her clothes were exactly the same as mine. She even had an identical axe bass.

Okay, so that was weird, but what I saw next was even weirder.

A boy Bubblegum, a boy FP, a boy Marcy and another BMO?

The boy Marcy looked like a vampire too. He had short black hair and he wore black skinny jeans, blue Converse and a checkered red top. He floated with ease above the boy Bubblegum.

The boy Bubblegum had a pink dome piece and regal pink clothing on. In his hand was the second BMO.

"Bonnibel?" the pink guy called angrily. "I told you this was our time! You would have tomorrow!"

"Bubba, I'm sorry, I really am..." Bubblegum sighed. "But it would be weird if I left it off until morning."

"Okay, whatever." The pink guy, Bubba, shrugged. "I mean, it's not like we can change fate or anything, but... I believe introductions are in order."

"Pfshh," Marceline said dismissively. "I don't really care."

"Yeah, neither," the other vampire said. "It's not like I care, or anything."

"Marshall," Bubba said, still mad. "Don't be like this. Be nice for once."

"The same goes for you, Marceline," Bubblegum said in a controlled voice.

"Fine, whatever," both vampires hissed indifferently.

"Hey, there," the girl with the bunny hat said to me shyly, blushing. "I'm Fionna. Sorry, I'm not good at meeting new people."

"S'okay, I am too. Uh, I'm Finn." I grinned.

The boy FP, who I assumed to be the Flame Prince, frowned at me. "Fionna, introduce me to your friend."

"Oh, uh..."

"And Finn? Introduce me to your friend," FP - the girl - said angrily, walking over to where the three of us stood.

I grinned at my girlfriend. "Well, FP, this is Fionna."

"And, FP, this is Finn."

The four of us burst out laughing at how ridiculous we sounded. I felt the ice melt between us all, and both FPs walked over to Bubblegum and Bubba to talk about something sciencey.

"So, Fionna," I began, my heart pounding in my chest. "Uh... I was going to ask you something, but, I, uh..."

Fionna giggled. "You're funny, Finn." Then she stopped herself. "Uhm, one second." She ripped off my bear hat and brushed my hair away from my neck.

I blushed. "Oh, I don't have gills."


I snatched the bunny hat from her head and checked her neck. "And neither do you."

"I noticed."

"You're funny, F the H."

"So are you, F the H."

Suddenly, Bubblegum and Bubba called us to attention. "Excuse me, everyone? We're going to explain how this is possible; how, although we are fanfics from the Ice King/Queen, we can co-exist without the world..." PB hesitated, thinking of the right word.

"Turning into plopdumps and wagglesacks?" I offered.

"Yeah, Finn, that," Bubblegum accepted, looking at me weirdly.

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