C17: Flameball, Finnceline and Flamonna! Part 4

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Flame Prince's P.O.V

"Hey, Fi." I looked at my flaming feet awkwardly.

"I'm sorry." Fionna stood at the edge of a cliff. Her bunny hat was balled up in her hand, letting her blonde hair flutter out behind her. Her side fringe dangled next to her face, brushing her cheek softly. "About that day. When we got the cornucopias? I'm sorry for kissing Gumball. I'm sorry for abandoning you. I..." She squeezed her eyes shut to trap the tears that threatened to spill out.

"Don't be. Hey, speaking of, do you still have it? I have mine. I will always keep it." I paused. "It reminds me of you. Of us. Of what we should be."

"I have it in my pack..." Fionna replied unsurely. "But... do you still think we could be like that? After what we went through when we were kids... after... C-Cake..." She sobbed uncontrollably. "What would we do? If we were back together? Have Flamby follow us around everywhere, casting Flame Shield on me every few hours?"

"No." My voice, firm and unwavering, let no signs of what I was about to do slip out. "I have a better idea."

"Huh?" Fionna was confused.

I pulled a tiny vial from behind my back. "Have a guess."

"Water? You won't do that? Don't kill yourself, FP!" Fionna rushed to me.

"There, you're wrong. It's mystical troll drool." I stepped back, my feet drying out the grass, then setting it ablaze. I controlled the fire and willed it to go out. Then I unscrewed the cap. "It heals anything. Even me... my flames."

"But that's not an illness! FP, that'll kill you!" Fionna looked at me despondently. "FP, I can't lose you! Not like I lost Cake..."

"It is..." I turned to the sun. "It's a curse, Fi. I was human once, then the Flame Queen cast a spell on me. I went through five stages of agony - stinging for hours, all over my body; burning sensations in my muscles; the feeling of my heart stopping; shooting pain in my lungs, stomach and head; then having my forehead cut open and chest sliced apart to insert my gems. I'm not Flame Queen's child. Not royalty."

"You are! You're my king, my prince!" Fionna pleaded. "Please, FP, don't do this..."

"I can be your human king." I tipped by head back and tossed the liquid in. Then I tugged my gems from my forehead and chest. It hurt, but less so. I stared at my hands. They rapidly faded from a bright, blood red to a dull, ashen grey. I glanced up at Fionna. "I love you..." I whispered breathily to her. Then my eyes slid shut and I fell into an eternal, endless darkness.


"Flame! Flame! FP! Wake up!" Fionna's hushed and excited voice pulled me from my fog.

"Huh?" My voice was deep and groggy. "Wha-" My eyes slid open. "F-Fionna?"

"Dude, look!" Fionna shook my hand. "It worked!"

I sat up, still fatigued but excited to see my human self. I gasped, seeing bare feet and wiggling, pink toes. My eyes travelled up by legs, until I reached my crotch. It was covered by a hastily woven blanket of leaves and twigs, thank Glob. I stared at my arms and lightly brushed the soft, short hairs on the skin.

Finally, my hands reached my face. I ran my hands up and down my smooth cheeks, over my nose, across my lips. Then, as I felt my forehead hungrily, something soft and thin brushed my fingertip.

I smiled and buried my fingers in my soft, new hair. "What colour is it?"

"Blond," Fionna replied happily.

I stroked her hair. "Just like yours."

"Yeah." Fionna's left eye twitched. But instead of questioning why it twitched, like I normally would, I grabbed her face by the cheeks and pulled her lips into mine.

It was brilliant. It was good to not worry about burning Fionna. It was just two humans, kissing on a patch of burnt grass.

She pulled off me and smiled. "You're a human. An actual, real life human. I... I just can't believe..." Fionna's eyes fluttered. "F-FP..." she moaned weakly. "Human... help me..."

She fell unconscious in my arms. For a second, I sat there, stunned. Then I sprung into action, tugging the holophone from her pack. I flicked through her contacts, settling on 'Marshall Lee'. I tapped it frantically. His face popped up. "Miss me, Fio..." His voice trailed off. "Um, who's this?"

"It's Flame Prince." I saw Marshall's mouth drop, so I raised my hand to shut him up. "I'll explain everything later. All I need from you is the willingness to do whatever you can to help Fionna. Bring clothes, food and water. Don't question it, just do it. Fi just passed out, man."

Marshall's face clouded with a mix of determination and despair. "I'm tracking you now, Flame. Hang tight. I'll be there in five."

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