C4: Possibilities

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Marshall Lee's POV

"So, like, you guys are from Ooo?" I queried, laying back in midair next to Marceline. "As in, Simone's fanfic of Fionna? And we're a fanfic to you, by Simon or whatever his name is?"

"Yes, Marshall," Gumball sighed exasperatedly. "That is exactly the situation. But, you see, apparently we co-exist. There are many plausible reasons for this. One of them is..."

"Blah blah blah, right?" Marceline groaned in my ear, as I droned out Gumball's voice.

"You got it," I agreed in a whisper. "I mean, how can anyone make this, a collision of two worlds, boring? I mean, it's so not possible!"

"And yet those two science heads managed to screw it up, didn't they? Made it sound like a biology lesson or whatever."


"Something you want to share, Abadeer and Abadeer?" Gumball snapped.

Marceline snorted, before we both were sent into a fit of laughter. "Oh, my glob, you just made what we were just talking about ten times funnier!"

"We were just saying how you can make something as exciting as this seem boring, like a biology lesson, then you said that! Oh, my glob, Gummy, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard." I curled up into a ball and kept laughing.

Gumball looked mad. "Gummy? Are you serious?"

"Aww," Marceline cooed in a sarcastic baby voice, beating me to it. "Wittle Gummy's feewings are hurt! Is he gonna go cwy in the corner? Is he gonna wun away fwom the Big Bad Marshall?"

"That's enough, Marceline!" Bonnibel cried over Finn, Fionna, FP and FP's laughter. "Don't make fun of him!"

"Why do you even care, Bonnibel?" I hissed, snatching the reins from Marceline. "It's not like you and Gummy know each other or anything..." I smirked at her face as she realised the trap I'd pushed her into.

"I... We..."

Gumball sighed. "You know what? Fine. I'll tell you, if you're all dying to know. Bonnie and I -"

"Bonnie?" Marceline chuckled. "You two must be close."

"Bonnibel and I," Gumball corrected through clenched teeth, "met each other on the day of Jake/Cake's deaths. We were walking through the forest when we came to this exact spot. At first we were scared, but then we came to accept the fact that we did, indeed, co-exist."

"You make it sound like a pregnancy for first-time parents!" Finn piped up.

"Finn!" Bonnibel scolded. Then she chuckled. "Actually, he has a point, Bubba."

Gumball chuckled. "Yeah, I can see that," he admitted. "Anyway, we also decided that any further contact, apart from us two, would somehow hurt the fabric of existence, perhaps even bring back the Lich. So we kept it a secret for two years. But yesterday, our plans must have been lost in translation, so to speak. And, well, here we are."

"Are you sure that's all, Peebles?" Marceline teased. "No secret hookups we should know about at all?"

"None," Bonnibel said firmly. "We've been meeting purely out of business."

"But it was secret," I shot back. "Some sort of relationship always comes out of secrets."

"Yeah, a friendship," Bonnibel retorted. "Anyway, this meeting is adjourned."

"But..." Fionna looked hurt. "What about our band?"

"Maybe later, Fionna." Gumball was quick to console her as her face kind of fell. "But now, right now, we need to go. I need to do some tests."

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