C6: My Soul Mate, Right?

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Bubblegum's POV

"Liquorice," I started, bringing my husband's attention. He looked at me inquisitively with his black eyes, sweeping his black side fringe out of his face and relaxing back on the couch.

"I know... I know you don't love me. I don't love you. So... so what if I told you that there's someone I really like? That are also under an arranged marriage?"

Liquorice smiled. "Then I'd be happy for you. Good job. So, I guess... marriage overridden?"

"Oh, oh, not yet!" I panicked and ran my fingers through my hair. "We're not that far! He's just... too innocent for a relationship like that yet."

Liquorice sighed. "It's not Finn, is it?"

"Glob, no!" I slapped my forehead. "What the plop were you thinking? No, it's... it's Prince Gumball."

"What?" Liquorice sucked in a breath. "Who's that?"

"Uh, he's, well, he's from another Candy Kingdom, in another world called Aaa -"

Liquorice put a hand up to my forehead, interrupting me. "Are you feeling alright? You do realise what you're saying, right? Aaa is the Ice King's fanfic of us. It's not... it's not real, Bubbs."

"You can't call me that," I muttered. "You can't call me Bubbs anymore, Liquorice. Get out of my castle. NOW."

His eyes widened. "But, sugarplum dumpling, I -"

"No! I am Queen Bubblegum to you! Now, go away, before I call the Banana Guards!"

He scrambled to his feet. "Sorry to waste two years of your life, my queen," he grumbled sarcastically. He left without another word.

"Bonnie?" Gumball's innocent voice sounded tinny and small on the holophone. "Bonnie, I thought we agreed -"

"We agreed on nothing, Bubba, and you know it. I need to see you. I just... I just kicked Liquorice out." My bottom lip quivered. "He doesn't think you're real."

"Well, isn't he different to Licorice? I mean, she understands me completely when I talk to her about you." Gumball sighed. "Alright. The Cabin? I'll bring the camp bed and -"

"No." My voice was firm. "Here. Liquorice can wipe that bloody smug look off his face when he sees you. Please?"

"Of course, my darling," Gumball sighed. "I'll be there in five? I'll, uh, take the secret entrance."

Fionna's POV

Our lips met. Our hands were intertwined in between us, but that soon became a burden and we let go. I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck. He placed his on my butt and picked me up, resting me on his hip without breaking the kiss. In fact, as he lifted me, he deepened the kiss, opening his mouth wide and reaching the far corners of my mouth.

I could feel my lungs burning as our lips moved in sync, and so, broke away, leaving my eyes closed.

"Show me a good time," I breathlessly moaned. "I need one, to forget my worries. Please, please, please."

He took in a breath to say more -

"Fionna!" I opened my eyes to see Marshall Lee in front of me. He was looked concerned. "Fionna, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just really tired," I yawned, stretching. "Where am I?"

"Well, you fell asleep on the way home. I think it's because of the bass' enchantment? It always made me tired. Anyway, Gumball carried you home. I just had to see you. I mean, we haven't seen each other in two years! But, hey, what have you been up to?"

I sat up, shivering. "It's really cold in here." My teeth were chattering. "I'll be right back."

I stood and walked over to my closet. I pulled out a fuzzy blue blanket, neatly folded, and carried it over to the lounge I woke up on. I spread it out and snuggled under it. "Much better."

"So?" Marshall asked eagerly. "Your life?"

I opened my mouth and took in a breath, about to say something, but there was a knock on the door.

Marshall floated over to it. He opened the door wide. "Hey Gumwad," he chuckled. "What's up?"

"I'm just here to give Fionna her weekly food," Gumball snapped, handing Marshall a big bundle of what must be candy litter. It was wrapped in a blanket.

Marshall shut the door in Gumball's face. "Um, okay." He floated back over to me and dropped the package in my lap.

I opened it up and pulled out a tiny pink wrapper. I popped it into my mouth and left it there to dissolve.

"Now can you answer my question?" Marshall implored.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure. I got a new horse. Her name is Mangoberry and she knows a little English, plus the whole of Aaa like the back of her hand - er, hoof. All I have to do is whisper in her ear where I want to go, and she'll walk there. I can even drop the reins."

"That's cool."

"What about you?"

"Nothing much. Um, I mean, last night, Marceline and I... we went to the Ice King's castle and stole his crown. Also, we have the Ice Queen's tiara."

"Marshall, that's huge!" I gasped. "Now they don't have any more powers! I can kill them easily!"

"No, no, no!" Marshall said hurriedly. "You're not killing anyone!"

"Humph. Fine."

"Um..." Marshall's face went red. "Also, Marcy and I... we kissed. A lot. And we may or may not be going out."

I burst into laughter. "Oh em gee, Marshall! I'm so happy for you!"

Marshall forced a grin. "Thanks, Fi. So, how are you and Finn going?"

"Hmm?" The question caught me completely off guard. "Um, we're... friends!"

"Seriously?" It was Marshall's turn to laugh. "You should make a move, Fi, it's not like you're crushing on FP anymore, right?"

"Dude, really?" I scoffed. "We're still officially going out, we just lost contact over the years. In fact, I am going to ring him right now!"

I snatched the holophone from the table and pressed speed-dial #1, simply labelled BF (FP). He picked up on the second ring. "Hey, Fionna!"

I smiled at him. "Hey, FP. Listen, seeing as you've already... you know, nearly burnt out the world, and there's no more threat, like PG said (I made this up just so they could kiss!), do you want to... uh..."

"Of course I want to go I a date with you, Fi!" FP said eagerly. "Just a picnic, right? Near the Pit?" The Pit was where FP had nearly destroyed the world from the core.

"S-Sounds good!" I stuttered. "Five o'clock?"

"Yeah! See you!" He hung up.

"See, I told you, Marshall!" I grinned. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and get Flame Shield cast on me by Flamby. Can you please leave my house?"

"Sure," Marshall chuckled. He pointed a long, grey, slender finger at an inscription reading 'ML' in the wall. "But I think you'll find it is my house!"

"We went through this already, Marshall," I joked, shaking my head. We left at the same time.

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