C14: Flameball, Finnceline and Flamonna! Part 1

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FPrincess' s POV

I was walking through the Fire Kingdom in Aaa, leaping into the flaming lakes and diving through them, cracking the rock and melting it into lava.

I wasn't dressed to impress Flame Prince, who was out talking to his mother. My hair was tied up in a high ponytail with a fiery ribbon, but some of it hung loose and reached my neck. My shirt was sleeveless and came to just beneath my ribs. My skirt was long and flowing, but I had it hiked up to my knees. I had flats on, and a pair of flamedrop earrings.

As I mucked about, enjoying being a normal fire peasant, I noticed everyone staring at me. "What?" I growled loudly. Everyone quickly glanced away, but one boy kept staring. I forced a smile and waved, before noticing his strange colouring. Instead of red and flaming, he was blue and still. I remembered Finn used to look like that, whenever he visited the Flame Kingdom.

I started to walk towards him. His eyes widened and he started to run away. But, since I was a fire elemental and he was an imposter, I was faster in my element. I caught him and flipped him around, instantly noticing how much older than me he was. I matured my fiery body to his age, around 22, and smiled at the face I knew. "Gumball."

He grinned sheepishly. "H-Hey, FP."

Leading him out of the kingdom before his spell wore off, we chatted about things. About how the Flame Shield spell was really useful; about how Marshall Lee is really annoying; and, finally, about how it was cool that I could kiss someone without burning out the whole world.

While we spoke, we walked aimlessly around Aaa, and, as we reached the final subject, we also reached a cliff. The sun was setting; the wind smelled of jasmine and pine trees; and Gumball's shield was freshly replenished.

I sat on the lush green grass and dangled my feet over the edge of the cliff. The part of the grass I was sitting on started to burn, but didn't spread.

Gumball followed me. We sat together, staring at the sunset, breathing in the scented wind.

He let out a long breath. "Okay, okay. I gotta tell you at some point, and this point is probably best." His candy hand grasped my fiery one and he pulled me up. Our fingers interlocked and my cheeks grew even warmer than their natural temperature.

"FP, I know we just met a few weeks ago, and we haven't really seen each other. But when I saw you that time, something stirred deep inside me. Something I couldn't explain. But I can now. I... I think I like-like you, FP! Like, really, like-like. And, you know how you can change forms? Make yourself prettier or taller or whatever? Well, I think that... whatever form you take, it will always be beautiful to me."

I could tell my cheeks were a bright, blood red. My heart beat was so fast, I thought it might explode. My fire was so big, it encased us both in a sort of dome. And our faces were only a millimetre apart.

Gumball slowly closed that distance. My flames burned so hot, I heard more burning grass. But, at that moment, I couldn't care less.

The moment... on the cliff, at twilight, with the sweet-smelling breeze to accompany his sweet lips... it was perfect.

Eventually, I pressed my hands onto his shoulders and pushed him over, sending us toppling to the ground. His hands wrapped around my lower back, and I tangled one of my hands in his gooey candy hair.

Then I slid my tongue across his top lip, nearly begging to taste his saliva.

He obliged, and we both contributed to what was now a make-out session.

After a few minutes of this, he pulled away, gasping like a fish. His blue was fading and flickering, but he was not yet burnt. His eyes were wild.

"I like-like you too, Gumball," I whispered. Then I whistled loudly through the forest. Flamby, Aaa's flambit, ran towards us.

"'Sup, candy prince, Flame Princess!" She elegantly leapt onto my shoulder. "Need a top-up of Flame Shield, Gumball?"

"Yeah." Gumball looked embarrassed.

"S'okay, I understand. When you got a guy friend, all in, right, FP?" Flamby winked at me, then cast Flame Shield using a different spell than the one I was used to.

"Shecarco daren mock veron sellbathy!" she hiss-chanted, waving her hands and conjuring runes in midair. Then she leapt onto Gumball's shoulder. A fresh wave of blue washed over him and Flamby leapt off. "Okay, there you go! See ya 'round!" She pounced on something in the bushes and was gone.

I didn't even have time to say "Now, where were we?"

Gumball answered my unspoken question with an unspoken reply. That is, he instantly pulled me into another fierce make-out session. Sparks flew in flurries around us and the moon's gentle light gave us the right amount of romantic lighting for us.

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