02 | oxfords

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  ➳ Dedicated to sonderingly because she is one of the best writers i've had the pleasure of seeing on wattpad.  

// Venture outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth it. //

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o x f o r d s

THOUGHTS SWARMED AROUND my head as I lay sprawled on my black comforter, my head resting on the the palms of my hand. I could hear the faint sounds of A Whole New World coming from the speakers of my laptop that sat in front of me, but my mind was elsewhere.

The weekly visit had gone better than most, but it didn't change the fact that my grandfather was still very sick. Nothing I could do would change that and times like these were when I hated this part of life.

I thought about the things I had told him while I was there, how I explained that school was still another word for hell as I desperately tried not to notice the lost look he held in his stormy, grey eyes. And how his head was still subconsciously tilted away from me, unbeknownst to the affect his little actions had to my already weak heart.

I shook my head, wiping the salty tears that had begun to stream down my face, and I focused on my laptop. Watching Aladdin call the Genie, I subconsciously smirked as I admired the fact that he had someone he could depend on, even if it was a mythical blue creature.

Whether it be fictional or realistic, we all wished for someone to lean on. And as I sleepily looked at bright screen, I realized how tragic it was to lose your rock permanently.

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I woke up to the sound of my someone frantically screaming in my ear. Startled, I lept up from my bed to look for the fire but only found my best friend in a distraught mess.

Running my hands through the jumble that was my hair, I tiredly sat her down and attempted to hide my irritation. "What's wrong Cora? What happened now?".

Cora Ingles was an enigma to everyone but me. Her head full of wild red curls did nothing to hide her fiery personality and fierce passion for the theatrics. Although quirky and strange to some, I found her as endearing as I had 10 years ago when we first met and became friends.

Cora immediately crossed her arms, most likely sensing the sarcasm that oozed out of my voice. "What's WRONG? Oh, you did NOT just ask me that question." My hands automatically went to my ears as I heard her screech, but I forced them down knowing that it would make the entire situation worse.

"Yes, I did ask that and i'd appreciate it if you actually gave me a answer before I permanently lose my hearing. Actually, I wouldn't mind that right now with you here after all.." Her eyes began to narrow as she realized what I was implying, but she casually flipped her messy hair and excitedly grabbed my hands.

"Tonight's the ball, remember?! And Bri, you promised you would come this year; I really hope you didn't forget because you did last year and you absolutely have to come this year. I won't take no for answer and will literally drag you if I have to."

Cora was nearly jumping up and down when she was done, oblivious to my amused expression. "So will you? Please?" she continued, even going as far as giving me what she thought was a puppy dog face but made her look constipated.

My confusion immediately dissipated as I finally remembered the famous Fire and Ice Ball that was to take place tonight. Most towns might throw a carnival for the anniversary of its creation, but Redwood Creek did things differently. Tonight would be the night: the night that girls constantly dreamed of, the night where everyone dressed up in hopes of making the most of the hours, and the night that two polar opposites would come into something beautiful, hence fire and ice. But I wasn't like most girls, and I guess I had forgotten that importance of the night.

Knowing how desperately she wanted me to come with her, I pushed all my uncertainty and annoyance aside and opened my mouth to reply with an affirmative answer but immediately forced it shut when I realized I was missing something important.

A dress.

Secretly smiling on the inside, I masked my glee with a sad expression. "I'm so sorry Cora, but I guess with everything going on, I forgot that the ball actually requires something fancy and I'm pretty sure there's absolutely nothing in my closet that's remotely ball appropriate."

My happiness was short lived when I saw the glint in Cora's hazel eyes. "Oh honey," she began, winking at me, "leave that up to me."

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A / N

hi everyone! long time, no talk. trust me, i know, and i'm very sorry about that. i'm just super swamped with school work and exams, and trust me, life isn't easy right now. but i promise, i will try (emphasis on try) to update more frequently, possibly once a week? i don't really know right now but i'll figure it out! anyways, i hope you enjoy this chapter and i swear the real plot will be coming soon! don't forget to vote and comment if you like this chapter! i always love reading and responding to them, and i definitely appreciate every single one. also, thank you so much for 170 reads and 16 votes! like wow, you guys amaze me.

until next time,

xo skylar

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