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  ➳ Dedicated to @geminigirl2001 for the beautiful cover I attached below. it's gorgeous and I absolutely adore it! 

// If watching is all you're gonna do, then you're gonna watch your life go by without ya //

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1 3

t r a i n e r s

AS WINTER SLOWLY TURNED INTO SPRING and the leftover frost began to melt as the sweet smell of grass took over, I felt my own heart thaw as Eric slowly brought down the walls I had built long ago.

Coffee Beans had slowly become our hangout place, the prime location for our weekly coffee dates, if I could even call it that. The closer I grew to Eric, sharing troubles and self deprecation I faced on a daily basis, the harder it was not to get in deep. What had started as an innocent crush had somehow transformed into full blown feelings.

He was the last thing in my mind before I went to sleep, and the first person I thought of when I woke up in the morning. I was slowly, but surely, falling for Eric, and I didn't think I would be able to stop.

But the real question was, did I want to?

-          -          -

I sat in our usual booth, this time a blueberry smoothie and a muffin sat in front of. Taking a sip from the cold beverage, I scrolled through my texts, scanning the updates my mom had sent about my grandfather. His condition was deteriorating, but I had accepted the fact that there was nothing I could do but wait and hope that time would heal him.

Setting my phone back down on the oak table. I looked up and scanned the room, taking note of the different customers. After coming to Coffee Beans early on multiple occasions, I had gotten into the habit of getting here a few minutes before Eric and observing those around me.

People watching, I had realized, was actually quite interesting.

In the corner of the room sat a couple that looked around my age. The girl, it seemed, was yelling at her boyfriend about something, jutting her hands out in exasperation and dark eyes narrowing.

A small smile, however, came onto my face when the boy laughed loudly, grabbed the girl in thought's hand and kissing it softly. The girl tried to pull it away but eventually gave up, hitting his arm as she leaned into his shoulder, holding his bicep closely.

My gaze traveled soon after, landing on another girl, this time a few years older. She wore dark sunglasses, her hair covering most of her face as she furiously scribbled down something in a dark, leather journal that seemed to be ripping slightly at the seams. My eyes slowly narrowed at her familiar figure, trying to pinpoint exactly where I had seen her.

Deep in thought, I hadn't noticed Eric enter the cafe until he plopped down in the seat across from me, eyes shining and hair glistening as if he had just taken a shower.

"Hey Bri, sorry i'm a little late." He smiled apologetically, fingers drumming the table as he spoke.

"No worries," I immediately smiled back, taking a quick second to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. His fingers continued to tap the table in small beats, mouth opening like he wanted to say something before closing again.

I tilted my head at his sudden quietness, concerned at his odd behavior. "Is there something you wanted to say?"

He ran his fingers through his dark locks, hair messily falling on his forehead, but somehow my breath still caught at his attractiveness. I hadn't even noticed how serious he had become until his eyes fixed on me, shining with determination.

"Actually yes, there was. I-." The shrill noise of a phone ringing immediately cut him off and I looked around, trying to figure out where it came from, until I realized it was my phone. I shot Eric an apologetic look, picking it when I saw Mom flashing on the screen.

Sliding the green button over to answer it, my heart stilled when I heard a loud sob pass through the line. "Bri-," my mom's voice broke as she choked back another sob, "he... he's gone."

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A / N

this update is earlier than expected but only because I really wanted to write this chapter!! there were a few cameos of some of my future characters so let me know if you noticed :)

there's only about 6-7 chapters left so make sure you keep voting and commenting! I would love to reach the top 10 in short story and right now we're at #18 so it's not like we're too far off! I'm so grateful for all of the support you guys give me, and I don't regret posting this story at all (even when my writing is suckish) because it gave me a chance to meet and talk to you guys!!

also, a big shoutout to Anamaria for the beautiful cover I have attached below. you rock girl! if any of you guys have covers for this story, please send it to me skylarrosen19@gmail.com with your wattpad username because I love seeing them! i have the best friends ever :)

don't forget to vote, comment, and hit that follow button for more material! I love you guys so so much.

xo skylar

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