04 | clogs

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|| Even miracles take a little time ||

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c l o g s

HIS HAND FIT IN MINE like it was meant to be. My surroundings slowly faded way as I gazed into his eyes, and I could feel his hot breath radiating my face. I could hear the faint sounds of Ed Sheeran's Photograph and I almost wished I too could capture this picturesque moment.

It was as if in that moment, nothing else mattered. Every little worry I had about school or my grandpa suddenly flew out the window, and my only focus was the breathtaking guy standing in front of me.

I wondered if he could tell what I was thinking, if he knew how fast my heart was beating or the goosebumps I had on my arms. And this time when he smiled down at me, I didn't hesitate to give one of my own back.

"You know, you're not a terrible dancer," he grinned, breaking the silence that had ensued since we started dancing.

I blushed at his subtle compliment and replied. "Yeah, I guess years of dancing with my grandpa finally payed off." My smile slowly started to fade, but I was quick to mask my emotions.

"I gotta say, I'm impressed. Pretty and a dancer? I should've asked sooner." He winked and my heart began to beat even faster at his flirtatious side.

"What can I say, I'm just a double threat."

He pulled me even closer in response and my arms wrapped around his neck to stop me from completely losing my balance. My breath caught at the sudden proximity, knees nearly buckling at the feel of his strong arms around.

"Yeah you definitely are."

The silence after our flirty banter wasn't awkward, but instead, comforted me more than anything else had. It was as if I had finally found my missing puzzle piece, the fragment that I had spent so long searching for, and in that moment, everything fit. We were in our own little world, but somehow, it worked.

It wasn't long before the slow songs switched to fast upbeat ones, and the dark haired stranger grabbed my hand to lead me out of the dance floor. We walked to the bar, still holding hands, and he only let go of my hand to grab us glasses of cold water.

"So," he said after we both finished the cool liquid, and I put my phone down to return my attention to him. "I'm glad you agreed to dance with me," his eyes twinkled through the mask he was wearing as he smiled.

"Ditto," I replied, smiling as I continued. "But I think it'd be a lot nicer if I actually knew your name."

He chuckled when he realized we had never properly introduced ourselves. "It's Eric."

My heart began to beat when I registered the fact that I actually recognized him. Eric Matthews was the cutest and funniest guy at my school. With a heart of gold, he was liked by everyone, and nearly all of the girls had once crushed on him, including myself. I mentally slapped myself for not making the connection sonner.

"You know, it'd be nicer if I knew your name too." He continued.

I grinned and began to reply. "It's-", a loud ringing interrupted me mid sentence, and I sent an apologetic look when I realized that it was my brother calling me on my phone.

"Yes?" I tried my best not sound annoyed, but it probably showed in my voice.

"Bri, he's conscious."

I didn't even have to ask who he was talking about before I quickly turned back to Eric to tell him that I had to leave.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to go," I rushed out, quickly grabbing my jacket from a nearby table.

"Wait-" He began, but I was already running to the exit doors before he could finish.

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A / N

and so it begins...

hi everyone! hope you enjoyed this update because I definitely enjoyed writing it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and click that follow button if you'd like to keep reading and please point out any grammatical errors! I love hearing feedback, so don't forget to give some.

love always,

xo skylar

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