08 | timberlands

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  ➳ Dedicated to ginawriter for writing such amazing characters that I can't help but fall in love with. I recommend that you check her stories out asap; I promise you won't regret it :)

// We only regret the chances we didn't take //

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0 8

t i m b e r l a n d s

LIFE SEEMED TO PASS in flashes as the next weeks flew by. Between teachers increasing the course load and visiting my once again forgetful Grandfather, I seemed to have no time for myself and slowly succumbed to the hustle and bustle that life apparently brought.

In the past couple of weeks, the school still raved about Eric's mystery girl and his determination to find her, or me. Apparently some were even desperate enough to pretend that they were the one he was looking for, but Eric had seen through the act the minute they couldn't even unlock my old phone.

The constant reminder of my fallibility was starting to give me persistent headaches, but I refused to acknowledge his unwavering resolve, rather choosing to run away from the inevitable situation this would lead to.

Today was no different. From having 3 tests before lunch had even begun to a pop quiz right before the last bell rung, my wrist cramped from all the writing I had done and my brain was ready to explode. Add Cora's constant remarks on how I should face Eric personally and you could clearly see the bags that had begun to form underneath my eyes.

It seemed like Gods had finally answered my cries when my last class was finally dismissed, and I slowly trudged to my locker, using the little strength I had left to carry my multiple textbooks.

Passing by one of the vending machines in the corridor, I suddenly halted, craving a chocolate bar that I had definitely deserved after these hectic weeks.I dropped my heavy backpack and quickly looked through the pockets for a spare dollar.

Running my hands through my hair in frustration, I was all but going to scream when I couldn't find any change. I was about to zip up my pockets and head back to my locker once again when I heard the somewhat loud argument between two very familiar men nearby.

Leaving the brown bag behind, I quietly tiptoed towards the corner, trying not to bring about any noise that might draw attention to me in the bare hallways. Peaking my head around the wall, I saw what seemed like my brother and Eric in a very heated argument.

"Eric, you've got to let go of this whole mystery girl, it's getting completely out of hand." My brother crossed his arms, tapping his foot in a sign of annoyance.

"I've already told you Jack- don't make me say it again." Eric exasperated, rubbing his clearly tired face.

"No, we're going to have this conversation. I don't like seeing you hung up on some girl, man. It's not like you."

"None of this is like me!" Eric retorted back. He shuddered in a breath, and leaned back against the lockers in support as he continued. "But you don't know what dancing with her felt like. It's like all those amazing girls I've dated in the past suddenly don't even compare to what I have now. Trust me when I say I have no intention of losing this."

The silence that came between them seemed to stretch for eternity before Jack finally responded. "Fine," he huffed, quickly slinging his backpack on one shoulder. "But don't come crawling back to me when this doesn't turn out your way."

Jack stomped the other way, not even turning back when Eric loudly kicked the locker he had been leaning on. He rested his forehead on the cold metal door, scuffing his feet against the tiled floor in thought.

The moment seemed too private to pry on, so I quickly turned back around, heading back towards my own belongings. What had I done?

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A / N

does i'm sorry cover it?

... I KNOW it doesn't but i'm so incredibly sorry you guys. School ended about a month ago but lets just say things haven't been easy guys... let me tell you that high school is incredibly hard. Even harder when you're applying to college :( But yes, I'm applying to colleges very soon and while that will be taking a lot of time, I promise I will try to have more timely updates. Lets say, every week or every other week? I promise x1000000 that I will try my best.

on a much happier note, GUYS WE HIT 26K READS AND #31 IN SHORT STORY!!!! omg I literally cried when this happened, you guys are incredible and never cease to amaze me! thank you for the constant love and appreciation; I promise it does not go unnoticed!  i'm thankful for every single one of you out there, regardless of whether you're a constant commenter and voter, or even a silent reader! your love and interest in my book means the world to me.

like always, maybe sure you click that star to VOTE on this chapter and comment all of your thoughts! regardless if it's a constructive comment or even your opinion, I read and appreciate every single one of them! make sure you do all of that AND follow my page because that does give me motivation to write more content for you lovelies!

love you all so much, it's unreal. let's get this story to the top 20 in short story, yeah?

xo skylar

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