10 | peep toe

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Dedicated to LyssFrom1996 for writing amazing stories that always keep me on my toes, and for inspiring me to do the same. xo

// The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up //

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p e e p t o e


With the unnatural bright lights, ashen stricken doctors, and everlasting smell of bleach, the entire placed screamed death and disaster. I was tempted to run away the second I had entered the building but one sharp look from Jack held me in place.

The soft beats of the elevator jazz music offered no comfort as we rode to sixth floor, and I immediately leaned against the wall trying to understand what had happened in the past hour.

After Jack had finally finished screaming at me, a phone call had come from my parents. Apparently, my grandfather had been walking around the nursing home gardens when he tripped over a hose and hit his head on the ground

My mom had tearily reassured us that he was going to be okay, but I wasn't convinced. In fact, I was terrified.

Jack hadn't said a word to me since our argument but as we walked down the bare white hallways, towards my grandpa's room, he grabbed my hand in reassurance, his actions speaking louder than words.

We turned the corner only to find my mom sitting on the ground outside his room, looking like an upset teenager girl rather than the grown woman she was. Lifting her head at the sound of our footsteps, she hastily wipers her tears and stands up, offering us a weak smile.

"He's inside. He's not awake yet, but he's there..." Her voice trails away as a fresh batch of tears threaten to spill from her glassy eyes.

Offering a quick but soothing pat on her arm, Jack and I quietly enter the dimly lighted room.

In the corner, my dad talks to one of the doctors but my attention was solely on my grandpa. Tubes stretched out of his nose and arm, multiple wires leading to various machines doing god knows what to him. A faint yet prevalent beeping sound echoed in the somewhat quiet room, and I cringed at the daunting sound. I let go of Jack's hand and and took a step towards the bed, fearing that any abrupt noise would make his state even worse.

As I neared him, I realize how frail he truly looked. Wrinkles adorned his once handsome face and my eyes couldn't help but flicker towards the slightly bloody bandage that was wrapped around his forehead.

I choked back a sob at the sight of him, not even bothering to wipe the tears that were quickly streaming down my face, and took a step backwards towards the door.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The front of my hand wiped my runny nose as Jack's face came into view.

"Why, what happened?" His hand reached towards me but I was quick to dodge it.

"I can't do this." I took one last look at my grandfather, and turned towards the exit.

And then I ran.

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A / N

did I just update? OH SHIT i think I did!

I actually don't know how I feel about this chapter. I have a pretty specific outline for each chapter in this book and this didn't really follow it... oh well, I think I did manage to convey exactly what I wanted to.

hopefully you guys enjoyed reading this chapter! the next update should hopefully this weekend. OH and GUESS WHAT?! we reached the midpoint of this story! things are about to speed up because yes I know, we haven't really seen that much of Eric but trust me, shit is about to get real!

as always, if you enjoyed this please don't forget to comment and vote for this chapter! the amount of reads and feedback I get everyday is incredible and I love you guys so much. thank you for the endless support and love.

stay beautiful.

xo skylar

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