07 | kitten heels

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// Anything can happen, if you let it //

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0 7

k i t t e n  h e e l s

TIME STOOD STILL as I slowly trudged to yet another class. The day seemed to stretch till infinity and my body ached to run to the nearest exit, far away from the countless whispers that shrouded me.

Ever since Eric had posted the first poster of my cell phone, the entire school seemed to be a whirlwind of gossip and ambush as the student body tried to figure out whose phone it was. There were even some girls who had told Eric it was there's in order to capture his attention. Granted, it wasn't but that didn't seem to stop them.

The last bell finally rang, signalling the end of the school day, and I walked with a slight bounce as I realized that I would be able to see my grandfather yet again. The sun seemed to shine brighter as I stepped into my car, speeding towards the nursing home.

The drive to Cardenia Nursing Home seemed to last longer than usual, and I was quick to park in the nearest space and run towards the entrance. The place seemed to smell of roses as I all but ran to my Grandfather's room, softly pushing the door open and leaping into his surprised, but welcoming, arms.

I squeezed him as his thin arms wrapped around me, taking pleasure in the apple and honey scent that was all too familiar. His soothing hands rubbed my back as I tried to control the emotions that came over me.

Pulling away, I took a shuddering breath as I allowed his shaky hands wipe the tears that had once again begun to stream down my face.

A watery smile spread across my face. "It's okay, I'm okay. It's just been a long time since I knew what home felt like." I squeezed his arms once again and laughed at his beaming face.

I was finally home.

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Time flew by in a heartbeat and before I knew it, I was being ushered out of my grandfather's room, being told my the man himself to get home in time for dinner. Kissing him on the cheek, I grabbed my wallet and keys and waved goodbye as I took my time walking towards the lobby. A giddy smile warmed my face as I recalled the endless conversations we had that afternoon.

Lost in my own thoughts, I turned the corner and bumped into someone, falling to ground and dropping my stuff in the process. Looking up to apologize for my obliviousness, my mouth dries at the sight of Eric Matthews himself offering me a hand up. I grab it and pull myself up, quickly wiping the dirt on my jeans in order to avoid having a conversation.

I look up once again only to see him holding my items in his outstretched hands, his handsome face smiling at me. "Thank you. " I half smile and hold my stuff to my side.

"It's no problem. But you should watch where you're going before you hurt one of the elderly." He smirks, eyes twinkling.

My face warms as I reply, "Yeah well, I could if random people didn't just jump out of corners like that."

He throws his head back in laughter, his whole face lighting up at the sarcasm in my voice. "I'm not some random person; my aunt owns the place. I'm Eric." He sticks his hand out in greeting.

I shake his outstretched hand and reply in the same manner. "I'm Brielle".

Still holding my hand, he grins. "Well Brielle, it's been a pleasure bumping into you. Maybe I'll see you around." He lets go and walks away, only turning back once to smile at me yet again.

A ghost of a smile covers my face as I whisper to myself: "Yeah," I take a step back, "maybe you will."

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A / N

hello my beautiful friends! i know i'm super super super super late, but look! i finally updated :) school has been super stressful lately and everything just keeps piling up but omg i'm almost done! and you know what that means? it means weekly updates!!!

i want to thank all of you guys for being so freaking patient these past 2 months! you guys are my world and honestly, i don't know what i would do without you. i ALSO want to thank you guys for getting this to 14k reads and #191 in short story!! like omg guys, that's incredible and i cannot thank you enough for the constant support and motivation! you're the best!

i love every single one of you sooo much and i'll see you soon.

love forever,

xo skylar

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