12 | combats

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Dedicated to @-dirtysouls for the beautiful covers that i'm gonna post below! i'm amazed that people are actually taking the time out of their day to make ME, a below average author, some gorgeous covers for this mediocre story. thank you, thank you, thank you! i absolutely adore them, and you if anyone else has anything they made, please email me skylarrosen19@gmail.com so I can truly thank you and dedicate a chapter to you :)

// Don't just fly, soar //

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c o m b a t s

THE MORE I TRIED TO AVOID ERIC, the more I saw him. Everywhere I turned, there he was. Whether it be at school or even the grocery store, I couldn't help but notice that he was always there, oblivious to the effect he had on me and my heart.

Yet a few weeks after that dreaded day in the hospital, I realized that I didn't want to avoid him anymore. The words he said to me, about honoring memories instead of running away from them, had embedded something new into me. Dare I say, some hope? After all, what good did it do running away from the guy that I had begun to develop feelings.

And so on one rainy thursday night, I finally texted the number Eric had slipped me in the hospital. A simple hello turned into hours of conversations until we finally made plans to study together at a local coffee shop for mid terms the following saturday. Maybe it was a little cheesy but I wasn't ready for anything more than friendship.

And maybe, just maybe, he would manage to change my mind.

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Coffee Beans, I decided, was now my favorite place.

It was ironic that I had never been here, considering how religiously I drank coffee, but I guess I had never found the time. With school piling up and visiting my ill granddad, it was a rare sight for me to go to places like these. And maybe it was a little out of comfort zone, with its extravagant pastry displays and rows of stainless steel drink machine, but it was worth it. Eric, I realized, was worth it.

Sitting in a booth near the corner, I tightened the plaid scarf around my neck as a cool breeze flew through the now open door and took a sip from the steaming mug that had just been brought to me. Allowing the hot liquid to slide through my now warm throat, I arranged my books and papers on the table, looking up just in time to see Eric slide into the booth.

"Hey Bri," he smiled, immediately warming my insides more than the latte had. He slowly took his jacked off and opened his backpack, allowing me a mere few seconds to subtly check him out.

Dressed in dark wash jeans and a maroon sweater that clung to his toned stomach, Eric looked absolutely drool worthy. With a dark gray collar peeking out at the top of his sweater and a beanie on his dark locks, it seemed that other girls had evidently noticed his handsomeness as well, eyes raking over his tall body.

I hadn't even noticed I was glaring at my mug until Eric had broken my thoughts. "You know, contrary to popular belief, the harder you stare at something does not change its appearance."

My head snapped up at his voice, cheeks reddening slightly as I offered a small smile and replied. "Don't be a smart ass."

"Can't help it," he said cheekily, casually rolling up his sleeves, "Always have and always be one."

"Oh shut up," I half heartedly said, opening my math book in an attempt to change the conversation. "We really need to study."

He followed my actions, opening his own textbook and taking a couple of highlighters out as well. "Okay, fine. Where do we start?"

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A / N

a tad late but I did promise a Wednesday update, right? I'm not super happy with this chapter but this was how it was planned so i'm just gonna go with it and maybe add a little more in the next one. The next update will probably be sooner than Sunday just cause I already have an idea for it and really want to start writing so we'll see how it goes!

as always, VOTE and COMMENT if you liked this chapter. we reached #18 in Short Story two days which is so freaking amazing and cool so thank you so much for all the love and support! you guys are amazing and i love you all.

also a big shoutout to khyli for the lovely covers I've attached below! you are too sweet and I cannot thank you enough. you rock girl!

see you at the next update! love you so much beauties.

xo skylar

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