05 | moccasins

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|| You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think ||

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0 5

m o c c a s i n s

MY LEGS WERE MOVING on their own accord.

My heart pounded as I carelessly parked my car in a parking spot and jumped out of my leather seat, not even stopping to check if I had done a good job. Sweat dripped down my neck as I all but ran through the glass doors, heels in hand and hair undone.

My feet frantically scurried on the plush, warm carpet and I quickly found the room that would forever haunt my memory. Stopping at the tall, oak door, I took a deep breath and pushed calmly walked into the room.

Six bright happy faces gleamed back at me but the only one that I truly cared for was the one that stood out. There, right in the midst of my family members, Stella, and the nursing home on call doctors sat my Grandfather with a shining look in his eyes.

I blinked back the burning tears that had threatened to spill from my eyes, and cautiously took a step forward to my Grandpa. My arms were reaching out on their own accord as I quickly closed the distance between us and buried my face into the crook of his warm neck, unsuccessfully holding back my tears.

"Hush my dear, it's okay- I'm here." His wrinkly hands soothingly patted my back, attempting to silence the sobs that echoed through the room. I breathed in his warm, homey scent and tried to calm myself as I wiped away the tears streaming down my face.

"Ellie, love, please stop crying and let me see your face properly." My cries started over once again when at the sound of the nickname I hadn't heard in years, and my grandfather quickly patted my back in order to calm me down.

My sobs has soon quietened a few minutes later, and I quickly stood up from my kneeling position in order to properly greet my parents and brother.

"Oh Ella," My grandfather began as my eyes watered at the sight of his gleaming face, "honey, you've grown up so much. You look just like your Mother did when she was seventeen."

A thin arm wrapped around my shoulders and I turn to see my Mom standing next to me with her own bright red eyes smiling down at me.

"Yes she does, but she's definitely not as rebellious as I was a teenager." She grins and my eyes instinctively widen as I hear a loud rumbling laugh echo through the room as I watch my Grandfather make the sound I've been desperately waiting to hear for these past few years.

My mom's arm tightens and she gives me a loose hug from the back as she mumbles to herself, "he's okay Cheryl. We're okay."

And in that moment, as I watch my grandfather laugh and and smile like a breathe of fresh air in this foggy world, I can't help but think how right my mother is.

"We're okay." I say to myself. "Life will be okay."

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A / N

hey guys i hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as i enjoyed writing it! please leave a comment below telling me what you think because as always, i love hearing (reading?) your voice and i think it's important for an author to receive any type of feedback that readers are willing to share! like always, don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter!

Also, thank you guys so much for 483 reads! like it might not seem like a large number but i am seriously in awe. you guys are the best!! i love you all <3

thank you so much,

xo skylar

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