03 | stilettos

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Dedicated to tangles- because I honestly love her writing and admire her so much

// Let me share this whole new world with you //

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0 3

s t i l e t t o s

THE AIR WAS ALMOST SPARKLING when I entered the crowded room. With twinkling lights and gleaming ornaments strung all around, it was almost impossible to not immediately breathe in the fairy tale vibe the whole room gave off. Couples all around were impeccably dressed in their best evening wear, and I instantly felt a tiny bit more confident when I noticed my own ensemble didn't stand out like I had initially thought.

Cora had forced me into a sleeveless champagne colored dress that was immediately rejected by me. After a lot of persuading, and threatening, I reluctantly agreed and surprisingly pleased by well how it looked on me.

The dress, which flowed down my long legs and somewhat past my feet, was cut deep but hid enough for it to be modest. Shimmery white flowers were delicately stitched into the silky fabric until my mid thigh, and tiny jewels emphasized its effect. The back, which also held the same design plunged down to my hip. The pattern was sewn to make it look like the flowers were laid on my skin.

My hair, on the other hand, was tightly curled and flowed down my chest and my upper back. The top half was pinned back but Cora had also straightened my bangs and swept them to the side. She had also added big crystal earrings that brought out my electric blue eyes. A classy off white mask completed my look

A gentle tug on my elbow brought me out of my daydream, and I half smiled at my glowing best friend.

"We look hot, don't we?" She grinned and I laughed at her enthusiasm as she tugged me across the floor. "Now come on. Let's dance Bri!".

Immediately feeling way out of my comfort zone, I started to back away and let out a lame excuse. "I'm actually a bit parched so I'll join you later Cor."

Cora's smile instantly dimmed but she shook her head and nodded. "Okay, just hurry up."

I all but ran to other side of the room where a bartender was serving a variety of non alcoholic drinks. Requesting a bottled water, I hastily gulped down the cool liquid before sitting back on one of the tall stools and closing my eyes. Breathe Brielle. It's just a dance. Only a couple more hours and you're free to leave.

My internal pep talk was soon broken when I felt a light tap on my arm. Immediately feeling sharp tingles, I was shocked to see a handsome brown haired guy smiling down at me.

"Um...hi...," I stuttered out and I could feel my cheeks warm at my inability to speak properly. I cleared my throat and continued, this time a little more confidently. "Can I help you with something."

Through his own mask, I could see his deep brown eyes glow in amusement as he let out a breathtaking smirk. "Yeah you actually can. To be honest, I haven't been able to take my eyes off of you all night; do you fancy a drink."

My heart thumped as I attempted to speak clearly this time. "I think you have the wrong girl. I've literally only been here for ten minutes and besides," I paused as I held up my water, "I think i'm good."

I turned to walk away from the gorgeous guy, but again, felt sparks fly as he gently stopped me from walking away. "Then what about a dance," he smiled, and my knees nearly buckled at how stunning he looked. "One dance, and I'll be out of your way."

"I'm flattered but I still say no." This time I walk away a little faster but the mystery man quickly caught up."

"Come on, one dance. It's unfair for someone as beautiful as yourself to be sitting on the sidelines alone," he smirked once again before continuing. "Besides, you may be a beauty but i'm no beast."

I half smiled at his Disney reference and reluctantly nodded. "Okay, one dance."

The breathtaking smile returned on his face as he gently put my phone on a nearby table and took my hand. The instant spark I felt was almost impossible to ignore, but I pushed them aside as I allowed him to lead me to the dance floor.

"May I have this dance, oh blue eyed beauty?" He kissed my hand and I made sure to keep my feelings in check as I replied.

"Yes," I slightly curtsied as I looked up at his grinning face through my thick eyelashes, "you may."  

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A / N

I don't know if i'm sorry cuts it but... i'm sorry? :( yes i know it's been three months, and yes, I know I promised updates multiple times but I've honestly been swamped in school and exams, and life is very hectic. but I'm trying, and I promise i'll try to update faster.

but happy new year to all my amazing readers! you're support never ceases to amaze me; I never expected anyone to read this yet the number of readers just keeps on increasing. so thank you so much; this update is especially for you. this is a little longer than the other chapters, but nevertheless, a filler chapter. the really story starts in the next one and honestly guys, I'm super excited! please don't forget to vote, comment, and fan if you liked this chapter (yes even you, the quiet readers!) and I hope to see you soon!

xo skylar

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