09 | loafers

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Dedicated to shrinkingviolets_ because I absolutely adore all of her stories and characters, especially Theo and Elliot :)

// Love is putting someone else's needs before yours //

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0 9

l o a f e r s


Growing up as the weird Disney obsessed child, there was never a moment when someone wasn't teasing or calling me names even when I wasn't around. Eventually, I began to forget that this was out of the norm and truly believed life would always be like this.

It wasn't until my brother, Jack, finally punched someone was I finally had some light shine on me. Granted he was suspended right after, but from then on I knew that I could rely on him forever.

He was my big brother, my protector, my shield in even the worst times. He was my go to person, my best friend, and the person I knew I could count on. He was my savior and I knew that he would help me even in the times I couldn't help myself.

Yet this time he couldn't. Or more like he wouldn't.

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My desk was scattered with textbooks and papers, but my mind was even more disorganized. As hard as I tried to concentrate on my school work, my thoughts kept drifting back to the conversation I had overheard earlier. Was Eric really that insistent on finding me?

A sharp knock interrupted my haziness, and I turned just in time to see Jack strode in, taking note of the deep frown etched onto his mouth. Taking a seat at the edge of my sky blue bed, he took in a deep breath and turned towards me

"I think you know why I'm here." He started, crossing his ankles.

My eyebrows shot up but I feigned surprise. "Did you need help on your homework or something?"

Jack's eyes narrowed, clearly seeing through my lies as quickly as I had spouted them. "Why haven't you told Eric it's your phone yet when you clearly know it's yours?"

My eyes trailed to the loose thread on my shirt, raveling and unraveling it around my finger as his voiced echoed throughout the quiet room. Keeping my head lowered, I finally replied. "I don't know what your talking about"

"Cut the bullshit Brielle. We both know how much you begged for that phone case for your birthday. I'd recognize it anywhere." He sighed, and I could hear the mattress squeaking as he shifted his position. In a softer tone, he continued. "What are you so afraid of Bri? Eric is a good guy."

Running my hand through my straggly hair, I raised my head to look him straight in the eye. "Don't you think I know that? But i'm not ready for a relationship- not with everything going on."

At that, Jack's gaze hardened as he clenched my comforter in his hands. "And what about Eric? What about what he wants? Don't you think he at least deserves a direct rejection instead of holding to that little hope that he'll finally find his mystery girl," he spat out the last words in disgust.

I looked away, not able to see the disappointment and anger in his eyes but Jack wasn't done. "You know one day you're gonna realize that not everything is about you and what you want. One day you're gonna realize that sometimes your actions and opinions have consequences. And when that finally happens, I won't be there to save you."

Silence immediately ensued between us and I tried to comprehend what he just said. I opened my mouth to reply but immediately closed it when nothing came out.

And that's when the phone rang.

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A / N

hey guys! i'm back with another update in the same week!!! i honestly think that deserves a pat on the bag because this has never happened before... there's only one more month of summer and I truly want to speed this book up so start expecting weekly or bi-weekly updates! there's only about another ~10 chapters so we're halfway through! that's honestly such a crazy thought.

also, if the shoe fits is #35 in short story right now!! it's not our best, but that's still fricking amazing. keep voting and commenting because i love reading them and almost always respond and make sure you follow me for more updates!! i love / appreciate everything you guys do for me and i'll see you in the next update which will ( hopefully ) be very soon!

love always,

xo skylar

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