14 | fuzzy slippers

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// Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting //

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f u z z y  s l i p p e r s

THE SKIES WERE AS BLEAK as I felt. Storm clouds circled above and strong gusts of wind swirled around, but my only focus was on the black box in front me. People shivered in their black clothing, yet the goosebumps on my arm were there for a different reason. My best friend was gone, and he would never return,

I wore my own black dress, one that I had happily bought months ago after a refreshing visit to my grandfather, but today I only felt grief. Even I didn't realize the severity of my misery, as I had not yet cried but I knew that I was only a few hours away from becoming an utter mess.

The ceremony was short and anything but sweet, as quiet beats of Grandpa's favorite song, Eye of the Tiger, played in the background. Many of my family members besides myself went up to say a few words, but barely any of them finished, quickly fleeing as the anguish took control instead.

My eyes were trained on the black coffin in front, never straying away until it was my turn to speak. A soft tap on my arm pulled me out of my thoughts, and I reluctantly turned my head to see warm brown eyes staring at him.

"It's your turn, Bri," Eric said as I slowly stood up, gently pushing me towards the front. Walking towards the small platform, I scanned the crowd, eyeing familiar faces. Taking a deep breath, I looked back once at the coffin behind me but teared my eyes as words began to flow out of my mouth.

"Arthur Phillip Vanderbilt lived a life full of pride, joy, and happiness. To some, he was the proud veteran and survivor of World War II. To others, he was a loving father who also served as a mother to the kids that had lost their mom too son. Yet, to me, he was my best friend, my hero, and the person I trusted the most with my life. He was the person I would call in the time of need, and the first person I would ask if I wanted to have a late night ice cream run. Even with Alzheimer's, he was my number one supporter, whether it be for upcoming finals that I could possibly fail or tennis games where I was several points behind. In the darkest moments, he was and always will be the first person I use to shine some light."

I paused, looking at my tearing family members, and stopped my eyes on the guy that haunted my dreams. Eric's face shined bright in pride as he held my gaze steadily, nodding as if to encourage me to keep talking.

"Albert Einstein once said, 'Our death is not an end if we can live on in our children and the younger generation. For they are us, our bodies are only wilted leaves on the tree of life.' So let's celebrate my beloved grandpa's life. Whether it be in the past, the present, or the future, let him live long in our hearts."

Tears finally began to stream down my face and I tilted my head towards the guy, as if I was looking up at him. "I love you Grandpa, and I will miss you tremendously every single day."

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A / N

hey guys! yeah I know it's been a while since I updated but i've been super busy with school. everything has kinda settled now so I should be back on track! also, this chapter was really hard to write because i'm extremely close with my grandpa in real life and this was super depressing because i know he's getting older too :( and yes, I also know this is a very short chapter but the one's after this will definitely be much longer.

only about ~5 more chapters till the afterword and then i'll have completed my first book EVER. that's a crazy thought and this whole experience has been so surreal! I have so many plans for future books so I hope you do stick around on my account after this book is finished! don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT if you liked this chapter! I appreciate all of you so much.

love always,

xo skylar

P.S. What did you guys think of the new cover? :)

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