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A few days passed and Vienna and Ruby agreed they would stay friends until they both realize what they  actually want. Both sides were happy with that decision even though they had feelings for each other which they couldn't hide easily. One night, Ruby invited Vienna over for a sleepover and Netflix (without the chill). Vienna was sceptic about it but finally gave in after Ruby promised her she'd let her choose the movie or show and buy tons of food. Everyone gives in on food. So, at eight o'clock Vienna packed a few of her belongings and knocked on the Langenheim's door. A few moments later, a smiling and a bit surprised Ruby opened the door and welcomed the tattooed girl inside.

-Surprised to see me, Langenheim? - Vienna teased.

-I wasn't expecting you to come, actually. I have a feeling you've been avoiding me.

-So not true, I was just busy.

-Nevermind, I'm glad you're finally here. Mom's not coming until next week. So... What are we watching?

-"Love, Rosie", of course.

-Oh no, is it one of those lovey- dovey, kissing, drama bullsh-

-Shhh Langenheim, you let me pick and I did what I was told to do... Now suffer for full two hours.

-Fair enough, Costello. I'll get the ice cream and the tissues.

-You'll need them. - Vienna winked.

Ruby scoffed in response. -Yeah, right.


"We were inseparable, constantly being separated".

Vienna whispered that quote from the movie, it was stuck inside her head and made her realize all her previous mistakes. She wanted her, but it was probably too late for that. Ruby's eyes were full of tears, threathening to spill but her pride was too strong and she held them back as much as she could. That made Vienna giggle a bit at Ruby's pride and firm attitude even though they both knew she was gentle and caring.

-Stop staring at me. - Ruby blushed but her eyes didn't leave the TV screen.

-I can't. You're stunning. - Vienna admitted and immediately regretted it.

-What?! - Rub's eyes got somehow filled with rage instead of tears. - Stop sending me mixed signals, Costello, make up your goddamned mind!

- What are you talking about?! I was just complimenting you!

- Yeah, right. One day you compliment me and make me watch these stupid romantic movies and the next day you ignore me completely or tell me you don't want me. What do you want, Vienna?

- I don't know! - the girl started sobbing. - I fucking don't know. - she wrapped her arms around her knees and leaned her head on them.

Ruby felt somehow guilty for the girl's sadness so she just put her to bed, tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

-I'm sorry. - she gently whispered then went to sleep, too, even though it was pretty early.


Vienna woke up early, with a slight headache and a blur of last night's happenings even though she was positive she didn't drink anything alcoholic. She felt an arm wrapped around her and turned around to see Ruby's face. She was awfully pale and had bags under her eyes which Vienna couldn't see in the dark last night, but she was regardlessly beautiful. She didn't want to wake her up so she carefully got up and went downstairs to cook them breakfast since her stomach was growling and she wanted to surprise Ruby. She couldn't deny it, she loved her, no matter how much she tried to run away from her and the feelings she had, she knew that reality would hit her, sooner or later. She loved her. She loved her. She loved her. She grabbed a pan and poured some oil, then she made a mixture for pancakes. The phone rang from the kitchen island which startled her a bit. Regardless of the situation, Vienna was uncomfortable with answering it so she didn't touch it. But then a voicemail came:

-Hey, Ruby, it's me, Harley. I was wondering if the date is still valid. Tonight at seven, I'll pick you up. Call me when you get this voicemail.

Vienna froze in spot. She could recognize that voice from anywhere.

- Harley? Harley Gusman?

Her heart stopped beating for a moment and then dropped. A date, that exact night, at seven. Ruby was having a date with one of her ex- girlfriends.


Sooorrryyyy for the short chapter, I'm going on vacation for the second time this year and I have to get ready so I don't have much time to write. Hope you like the story so far :) 

Drop Dead Gorgeous - a Ruby Rose novel [GxG] ♡Where stories live. Discover now