I have friends,
I have true friends,
But even with them I can feel left out
Or like I'm doing something wrong.
With you nothing matters.
You laugh at all my jokes,
I laugh at all of yours.
With you I'm home.
I don't have to worry about saying anything wrong,
I don't have to worry that you don't like me.
I know that whatever I say
As long as I'm me,
You'll laugh or smile
You'll appreciate it.
I began to talk,
Others talked over me,
And I felt unwanted like I do.
But when there was a moment of silence
You spoke.
You remembered that I had started to say something.
You asked me to finish.
I knew that you really did want me to,
You wanted to hear what I had to say.
Sometimes I feel out of place,
But that's because my place
Is with you.
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