Charlotte laughs at me as she splashes my face,
Trying to coax me into the water.
But I stay on the stairs, where I know I am safe
With the mothers and railing,
And ripples only knee-deep.
The others can jeer,
And yell "Scaredy-cat!"
But I'm not budging
Or loosening my grip on that cold metal rail.
That is, till an offer is made if I do.
"I'll give you a quarter
If you jump in the deep end."
It's Nathan who says it,
But my brothers, I'm sure
Are not much opposed to this bet, this dare.
I think it over a little while.
The deep end?
For a quarter, though.
I ask, finally,
If I might use my pool noodle;
"So I won't drowned".
"Of course!" How terribly kind.
So clutching that noodle
Of tattered yellow foam,
I pat over to the side
Of the pool that's marked 5'
My bare feet slap on the hard wet cement
In rhythm with my beating heart
I bite my lip,
I close my eyes,
I think of that quarter
A real, whole quarter
All twenty-five cents
For me!—If I jump.
If I jump...
Should I jump?
The boys' cheering grows loud
And I tighten my grip
On the old yellow foam
And I brace—
And I jump.
Then there's water,
Around me, beneath me,
And I cling to the foam
And I try not to cry,
And the thought of that quarter
Gives me strength to swim, just enough
To reach the edge of the pool,
And I heave myself up, then the noodle,
And stand
Triumphant, before Nathan,
Breathless, expectant—
And he speaks, and I stop
In my tracks, and I stare...
"That doesn't count," he had said.
"Your head
Didn't go under."
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