Chapter 1 Moving day

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Alice's POV
Today I'm moving to L.A California. Ever since I was 10 years old I wanted to move to L.A. I go inside and get the last box. I go into the kitchen and tell my mom goodbye and she tells me goodbye and tells me to call when I get there. I go into the living and sneak up on my dad "BOO!" I scream. He jumps and says "I'll get you for that" "Bye dad" I say "Bye girl" He replies. I call my little sister Tara down and tell her it's time to go. She says her goodbyes to Everyone and we get in the car. We drive to the airport. We go to Starbucks, I get a iced vanilla latte and she gets a sweet tea. We hear "FLIGHT 7781 IS READY FOR TAKE OFF". Tara mocks it we laugh and then, in realization, she screams "ALICE THATS OUR FLIGHT" We run into the plane "Wow just in time" I say "Yep" Tara says. I plug In my head phones and start playing pandora. Before I know it were there. We get off the plane and I call my friend Cally, she says She's there. We look around and find her. We run up to her and she squeals in joy. I see a figure in The car. "Hey Cally?" "Yes?" "Who's in the car" I say in a worried tone. "Oh don't be worried that's Connor franta your roommate, he said he'd come and help us" "Oh" I say still a bit worried. We get in the car and its deadly awkward for like, 5 minutes. "Hi" Connor says to try and ease the awkwardness. I look over. "Hi" I say kinda shy. He's kinda cute. Hmm... We get to the Apartment Cally introduced us. "Connor this is Tara and Alice, Alice and Tara this is Connor" We do a round of 'hi's' and go inside. Me and Tara head up to our room. "Dang, this is big"  She says "I know right" I say while jumping onto the bed. We start unpacking. I go to take a shower. I get dressed and head down stairs. I see Connor and Tara sitting on the couch. "Yo sissy, you hungry?" I say.
"Yessss! What's for dinner" "Um, what about bacon ranch burgers like dad makes?" I say. "Yum sounds great!" "Hey Connor? Want a bacon ranch burger while I'm cooking?" "Yeah, sure" He says sweetly. "Okay then" I say. "DING DING DING, foods done" I say. We eat. "Thanks for cooking dinner, it was great" says Connor. "Well look forward to more of this" I say. "Why?" "Cause I'm gonna cook dinner" "Oh duh well night Alice, night Tara" Connor says. "Night Connor" Me and Tara say in unison. We go to sleep

Authors note
Hope you guys like it. its my first fanfic :-)

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