chapter 15 acting weird

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Alice POV
Alice alice ALICE! Conner yelled. What I said. We have to Go back home he said. What time is it I asked. 4:30am. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU! I yelled. I got up and put random things on which were a big sweatshirt I saw on the ground and some skinny jeans which were also on the ground. I put my hair Into the worst bun ever I didn't brush my hair or teeth. I'm done I said. Well somebody hates early huh Conner said. Your dang right I do I said and I bounced onto the bed. What if I told you I already packed and everything he said cuddling me. I still hate mornings I said. OK no since In even trying then he said. I finished packing everything up by then it was 4:47. How do You pack so quick he said. I don't know I said. He got his bag which was only like half a pound and I got everything else which was like 20 pounds. We got to the car and put everything in. We got in. Thanks for the help I said sarcastically. Sure he said. Oh my god I sighed. I fell asleep once we got out of the parking lot. And if your wondering who's in the car its JC, tara, kian, Ricky, cally and Trevor. Ricky tevor and Tara were behind me and JC kian and Cally were behind conner. Why do I get the obnoxious one's I said. Because you hate mornings Conner said. Shut up I said and fell asleep. WAKE UP ALICE ricky Trevor and Tara screamed. I'm up I'm up why does my back feel like its been getting beat with a baseball bat for 2 hours I said. Trevors been kicking you ever since you fell asleep conner said. YOU LITTLE RAT I said. Everyone started laughing except for trevor. I'm not a rat trevor said. And why do you hate mornings and being waken up he said. Conner want to explain what happened when you woke me up this morning I said. He explained everything. Do you wanna try waking me up for no reason now I said. No and what reasons can I wake you up he said. Tara your turn I said. One food two food three food she said. Exactly tara I said. We got out of the car and I just walked in. Ugh today is boring I said. Conner brought everything in. Thanks for the help he said sarcastically. Your welcome i said. Every one else walked in and sat next to me. Hey Trevor said. Hey I said. What are you doing he said. Nothing I said. He scooted closer. He slipped his hand on mine. Nope mister I'm in a relationship and your only 15 no touch I said slapping his hand.  Jeez I only wanted to hold your hand he said. Nope I said and went into the bedroom. I flopped on the bed. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. Who is it I sighed. Conner can I come in he said. It's your room too I said. Is that a yes or a no he asked. Yes you can come in I said. He walked In and sat next to me. Hey baby he said. What do you want I said smiling a little. What makes you think I want something he said. Because you never say anything like that unless you want something I said. Oh, well me and the guys are hungry he said. Of course you are I said and went downstairs to the kitchen. I fixed my dads famous bacon barbeque ranch burgers. Your a really good cook JC said. Thanks I said. Where did you learn to make this conner asked. Its a secret recipe I said. Please he said. Nope can't let the secret out. Fine be said. What's today I asked. Friday conner said. Ok  I said. Wanna do a video with me on Monday he asked. Sure I said. GREAT! he said. Someone's excited huh? I asked. Oh, uh, maybe a little bit every one left and me and conner went to bed.

              Authors note
So I understand this chapter is boring okay I leave on Saturday and today's Friday so yeah also the book will be ending soon but I'm doing a sequel don't worry people  Alice and conner don't end yet so chill out ok now I will be doing a Ricky dillon fanfic a joey graceffa fanfic a Janiel (joey graceffa and Daniel preda) fanfic and you know those adopted by "so and so" fanfics yeah I'm doing one of those with a twist so love ya

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