chapter 12 family

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Alice POV
I woke up with conner next to me. I got and got dressed I just wore a T-shirt and some sport shorts. I fixed breakfast and coffee. I went out side and sat in the chair that was on the Deck. I heard conner get up and I went back in. Ugh he sighed. I made you breakfast I said smiling. Yeah! He became very happy. We eat and I went to drink the rest of my coffee outside. Conner joined. We were dine with me coffee and I went to put the cups in the sink. Hey Alice come here conner yelled from outside. Coming I yelled back. I got outside and I saw I bunch of cars pull up. Oh my god I said. Whats wrong? Conner asked really worried. I just slightly smiled and said who told you to come here conner. Your mom he said. Yep that's mom for ya I said and a lady walked up. Hey Alice I haven't seen you in so long she hugged me I hugged back. Who this is it lover boy he's kinda cute she said pinching Conner's cheek. He just looked awkward. Amanda this is Conner my boyfriend and Conner this us Amanda my aunt I said. Hi he waved awkwardly. Hi! She said and hugged him. He hugged her back. Well conner this is my family I said and I told then who they were in this order this us Gerry my uncle and my cousins Tammy an jr I said. Hi he said even more awkward. I walked inside and they followed. We talked for a while Conner was just awkward. They left after 2 hours. Well so you like my family I said. There super nice and happy and they like hugging people he said. Yep thats my family I said. Well  can we get something to eat I'm hungry conner pretty much whined. Sure where do you wanna go? I asked. I don't know he said smiling. Okay? Um... What about we go explore around town and find a place? I asked. Yeah let's do that he said. Let's go then I said we got in car and drove off. We found a little soup, salad, and sandwich place. We ate and decided to look around. Conner can we walk Instead of driving please I said. Why would you wanna walk I'm too lazy he said. Please Conner or else I said smirking. No I don't wanna he said imitating a tantrum. Fine or else it is I said evilly. He looked concerned. What do you mean or else he said raising one eyebrow and getting in the car. You will see babe you will see i said evilly. We walked around town went in a few shops bought some stuff and went back to the cabin. We got the cabin. "So today's our last day here and I wanna do something special" connor said rubbing his hands together. "What" I said raising my eyebrows. "This" he said picking me and tossing me onto the bed. He climbed on top of me and kissed my jawline. "Connor wait" I said not happy with what I just said. "What's wrong" he said. "I- I- i- just I don't know what I'm doing I've just never done this before that's all" I had no idea what I was doing. "Your a virgin" he asked. I nodded my head. "What's it matter I'm not gonna love you any less" he said. "So do you wanna do it or not I will be fine ether way" he said smiling.

Authors note
Hey guys so I wanted a sort of cliff hanger but what ever. I'm not gonna be back home until Saturday so yeah but I can upload cause my grandma has INTERNET! Yeah baby. I might make the next chapter a little (or a lot) dirty he he and I'm sorry if I don't upload cause I have to babysit my little 1 month old cousin Roma and I might add my 19 year old cousin mike and this story is based off my family and my life

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