chapter 8 party time part 1

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Alice POV

today i'm going to plan the party thing for our anniversary. It's me and conner 1 year anniversary next weekend so i have to hurry. i'm planing the party today so we can throw it tonight. Hey alice are you alive? Ricky asks. oh huh sorry i must have zoned out or something i say. no kidding says Ricky. We should start getting ready huh? i ask. yep he says and we leave the kitchen. we start getting everything ready. there's a knock on the door. I WILL GET IT! yells Ricky. you know i'm right next to you you didn't have to yell i say. well i wanted to he says. oh, just get the door i say. he opens the door and all of o2l come in ( not conner duh) hey guys i say. HEY they scream. can ya'll be quite at all i don't want conner coming down okay i say. nope they all say and walk off. we walk to the kitchen and sit at the table. i'm hungry Trevor whines.  me too says jc. yeah so am i says kian. feed me sam says. ARE YOU NOT GONNA FEED US WERE STARVING yells Ricky. oh my god ya'll are annoying i say and i get up and get some crackers. here i say and throw the crackers on the table. THATS IT! Trevor yells with a sassy tone. shhh and yep i say. just then all the boys start smiling. i turn around. nothings there. what the heck is going on i say. just then two arms rap around my waist. oh, thats what you were smiling about i say and turn around to see conner standing there hugging me. hey baby he says smiling. hey i say smiling and turn back around. did you have to wake him up i very clearly asked you not to i say to the boys. oops says kian smirking. sure i say sarcastically. i inch out of conners arms. dont you love me conner says while pouting. yes i love you i just have stuff to do i say. well your gonna take a break conner said while picking me up. before i get a chance to say anything he puts me on the bed. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR i finally  get out of my mouth. because i love you he says well jumping onto the bed. but the guys are downstairs what are we gonna do with them i can't go to sleep and i know i will fall asleep if you start cuddling me i know it i know it i know it i say. well why dont we all watch a movie then conner says. why not i say. KIAN, JC, RICKY, TREVOR, SAM GET YOUR LAZY BUTTS UP HERE screams conner. then i hear a stamped coming up the stairs.  WHAT they say. wanna watch a movie says conner. sure but where? asks jc. here says conner smiling. ok they say and all jump onto the bed at once. i go flying off the bed and hit the wall. are you ok? asks conner. i'm fine i might be a little hurt later though i say and sit on the bed really stiffly. make that now i say. we watch all of stranger things. i want something to drink i whine to conner. what do you want then he says. um... what about tea i say. fine who wants tea he says. they all raise there hands.kian go get tea for me and everyone else he says. why me? says kian. because its me and alice place and we dont feel like it he says. fine ugh he says while getting up. nice one i say. i know says conner. JC COME HELP ME kian yells from downstairs. jc got up and sighed. a few seconds later they got back up and gave everyone there tea and we all got up. conner stay here till i text you ok i say. why he whines. because i said so thats why and left the room with everybody else and we set up the party thing.

Authors note

hey guys if you are wondering why it says "party thing" is cause i'm not sure what to call it its a work in progress hehe see what i did there i know lame joke but i just had to throw it in there and i know there is a lot of yelling in this chapter im am sorry

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