chapter 5 the proposal

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JC POV ( yeah new POV!)
I have to get every thing ready for today. I got the ring and now I'm setting up the special proposal part. "I'm thinking something really romantic" I tell ricky. "Well I have a idea he said I'll even help you set up."
Tara's POV
I woke up JC wasn't in the bed I looked over and saw a note
Hey baby when your ready come down stairs love jc.
"Aww sweet" I said and walked down stairs I see kian sitting on the counter. "Hey where's jc?" I asked. He gave me a pink envelope with a heart on it i opened the note it read
Hey so kian will take you to a little trail in the woods love jc. "Ok then let's go" I said. We walked down a little road it wasn't to long. And i saw
Trevor he gave me a blue envelope with a heart on it it read
So one more place you have to go when you get there you'll see everyone love jc.
"Ok let's go"  I said a little eager me trevor and kian walk down a little sandy path with rose petals on the sides. I see Ricky, Alice, conner, mom and dad and Trevor and kian go on the sides with everyone else then I see jc. "I know we've only been together for a little over a year but I love you and I want to know if you wanted to be with me for the rest of your life Tara lona Thomas Will you Mary me?" "OMG JC YES OF COURSE." Everyone was clapping. Jc stood up and kissed me. I love you tara he said. I love you too jc I said. He picked me up and spun me around.
Conners POV
I have to think of something like this for alice there's a one week till out anniversary and then I realized someone grabbed my hand I looked over it was alice. "Alice I need to go talk to the guys" "ok." I ran up to ricky, kian and Trevor. " i Need help mine and Alice's anniversary is in a week I want to do something like this can you guys help me PLEASE?" I asked. "Sure connor" said ricky he looked at Trevor and kian they nodded and went to to talk to jc and tara they came over. "Since Im her sister I can tell you what she likes" she smiled. "Thanks guys" I said "no big deal I mean you are kinda my brother now so I have to help you" she said. I smiled "you don't have to help me though" I said. "Yes I do when me and alice were little we went around and helped random people." "Thank you" I said. "Anytime" she said.

Authors note
I'm going on a trip in a few weeks so I'm sorry if I don't upload I will try best but my uncle doesn't like it when I use the phone :-( so again I will try and upload it will probably be late at night though again sooo sorry for not uploading love you! Byeeee

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