plan the wedding? chapter 7

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Taras POV

I woke up next to jc caylan the love of my life i decided to go down stairs and make breakfast when i went down i saw ricky kian and trevor all on the couch i ran back up stairs because i was in jc shirt which was very baggy on me and just covered my underwear and i did not want a bunch of boys to see them. i got back up to jc's room. JC FREKING CAYLAN i screamed. what he mumbled. WHY ARE KIAN TREVOR AND RICKY DOWN STAIRS i screamed again. there my roommates didn't i tell you he asked sitting up. if you told me would i be asking you this i said. oh, sorry he said. whatever i need to get changed and take a shower i said smiling a little. well you go do that he said as he left. wow i thought he would never leave so i grabbed my stuff and went into the bathroom to take a shower. i got out of the shower and got dressed. i grabbed my phone and went down stairs. umm whats up with ya'll? i asked. did you see my i said. they nodded. while then i gonna go i said quickly kissing jc on the cheek. bye i said bye babe he said and i left. i went over to my place and quickly got inside and ran upstairs. i opened the door to see alice and conner making out on the bed. pay back i guess alice said while giggling a little. yep i said giggling and ran into the bathroom. i took a shower but i forgot to get my stuff. HEY ALICE.  no answer ALICE, ALICE!, I NEED YOU! i said. i will be there in a sec ok she yelled back. ok i said. whats wrong she said. i forgot my stuff i said. ok here you go she said handing me some stuff. thanks alice i said. your welcome she said. i got dressed and went down stairs i saw breakfast ready on the table. yum i said taking a piece of bacon. i went to go sit on the couch and flip through channels on tv. i sat down and flipped through all the channels nothing of cores. i said and went to go see where alice and conner were. what a stupid idea though i said to myself and walked up stairs. i softly opened the door and saw conner cuddling alice. conner quickly looked up from his phone. how long have you been there? he asked. a few seconds but you two look perfect together i said smiling. then alice looked up. thank you she said well kind of holding her head. whats wrong alice i said. conner pulled her closer to him. her head really hurts conner said while he snuggled her. oh, i said i ran into the bathroom and got a cold wet washcloth i ran back to the bedroom and put it on alices head. here you go just how you like it i said. remember when dad got us theses when we were not feeling good she said smiling. yep the good old days i said. then jc came into the room. hey alice are you okay? he asked. yeah me and conner were just about to watch a movie alice said. can we join? i asked. sure she said. jc came and cuddled up next to me while we watched a movie. about 10 minutes into the movie mom and dad came in. what are you 4 up to? my mom said. watching a movie wanna join alice said cuddling up to  conner. sure they said and got on the bed. we watched about 3 movies and alice and conner were sleeping. they sleep a lot i said. no kidding jc and dad said they needed to go to bed. me and jc tucked conner and alice in and turned of the tv and lights. goodnight we said. told mom and dad goodnight and left to jc house. when we got there there were a bunch of loud noises coming from inside. jc  my head hurts and im tired i whined to jc. then i will carry you he said and picked me up and he carried me in like a baby. we went into his bedroom he laid me down took of his shirt and threw it to me and headed downstairs i changed and crawled under the covers the noise stopped and he came back up stairs and got under the covers with me. goodnight i said to jc. goodnight he said and we both fell asleep

Athors note

ok guys im running out of ideas and this chapter was done on the computer so it was done a lot faster so yeah i love you all 


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