chapter 6 freinds

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Alice POV
I woke up to a DING from my phone it was from joey
Hey wanna come make with me to make a video?
Sure what time?
I looked at the time 10:37
I will be there in 10 ok?
Yep see you then
I put on a cute v neck and some light blue skinny jeans. I decided no makeup and some black high tops. I heard a knock at the door. I hurried and kissed conner on the cheek and ran downstairs. I opened the door. Hey joey I said. Hey! He said. We got in the car and joey turned on the radio. Jar of harts by Christina Perri came on. The chorus played and joey was Screaming the lyrics bouncing around every where. he was kinda scaring me. we finely got to a house. Me and joey got out of the car and walked up to the door. The door flew open. HEY!! Somebody screamed. Me and joey jumped. SHANE don't scare me like that. I just smiled. Well how do you want me scare you the person said. I was wondering who Shane was then it finely clicked Shane dawson. Hey joey whos this yo girlfriend joey are you cheating on me said shane . no this is my friend alice joey said while laughing. Hi alice I'm Shane he said. Hi I said. We went inside. We did the smoothie challenge for joeys channel and for Shane's channel we did truth or dare.  I looked at my phone 2pm crap I said under my breath but I guess joey heard me. What's wrong he asked sounding worried. Oh nothing Its just 2pm and I was planing on going shopping for me and conners anniversary thats all but I want you and Shane to have a good time. Joey and Shane's faces lit up. LETS GO SHOPPING they said. Ok then. We got in the car and went to the mall we all split up Joey and shane went in sephora I went in JC penny I got some stuff for me. And went in the hallmark store again stuff for me I'm gonna plan a little party thing for the anniversary. I met Shane and joey back in the middle of the mall the had like 10 bags in each and all from sephora. Wow you guys had fun huh I said laughing a little. Yep they said. Hey one more place I wanna go before we leave I said. Can we come they said excitedly. What if its Victorias secret I said. I'm down Shane said winking. Well let's go I said. We went to bath and body works. When we were done there we left the mall. Well here's your place joey said sounding sad. You guys wanna stay for dinner I said. Yeah! Joey said and we went inside. I went in my room and I heard the shower. Conner must be in there I said to myself. I walked in and saw conner with just boxers on. Oh god I said and quickly closed the door And walked down stairs like a just saw a ghost. What's wrong? Joey said. He was in his  boxers joey his fricking boxers I said. Shane looked confused. Whos he? Shane asked my boyfriend I said still a little shocked from the site. And who's your boyfriend? he asked. Yeah who?  Joey asked. conner I said. Conner who? they asked happily. Conner franta I said.  just then conner came downstairs. He looked down trying to hide his blush. Joey and shane were smiling like they were little kids on Christmas morning. What's up with you two I said. Nothing they said and stared at conner as he came to sit down next to me. Hi I didn't see you all day he said. Yeah I know I went out with these two weirdos I said pointing to joey and Shane. Why are they smiling like that? Conner asked I have  no idea I said. Just then they stared chanting KISS KISS KISS. Would you two settle down please I said. KISS KISS KISS. If we kiss will you two shut the heck up? I asked. They nodded there head. I kissed conner on the cheek and got up. I fixed Tacos. We all ate. Hey can I stay here Daniels not gonna be there joey asked. Sure anytime joey I said. Hey what about me shane asked. Of course Shane anytime I said. We all went to bed. Goodnight conner i said. Night  conner I said and fell asleep

Authors note
Hey guys hope you like this chapter love you

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