chapter 3 news

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Alice POV
I woke up to nobody in the bed and I had a text from Tara.

Tara: hey I'm sleeping over at callys tonight see ya later sis ;-)

Alice: k sissy love you ;-)

I head downstairs and see every one passed out everywhere. I start breakfast. I get done with the bacon and nobody's up so I go to wake Trevor up. I take a ice cube and put it down his shirt and go to finish breakfast. I get to the kitchen and I hear a scream. I start laughing and everyone gets up I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I whip around "Oh hey Connor" I say. "Hey baby" He says. "BOW CHICA WANT WANT" says Kian. I roll my eyes. I get done with breakfast and after we eat everyone leaves. I go get dressed. I wear a black crop top, some cute short shorts. I brush my hair and teeth and head back down stairs. I sit on the couch and grabbed the remote and turned on the tv and flipped though the channels nothing was on. I heard a knock on the door I got up and looked out the peep hole. I open the door. "Hey tara" I say. "Oh, hey Alice. I just lost my key that's all". "Oh that sounds like you" I said playfully punching her in the arm. We went inside. "So what were you doing last night" tara said. "Well connor and I went on a date". "YOU DID I KNEW HE WOULD ASK YOU OUT!" "Hey shhh connors in his room I don't want him to hear us jeez" I think she Ignored the last part. "Well do you like him?" She said smerking. "Yeah I think I do" I said. "I'm gonna tell connor you like him". "WHAT?" Tara runs into connors room I decide to listin I hear. "Hey conner guess what?" "What?" "Alice likes you". "REALLY SHE DOES yes". I run into my room Im redder then a tomato and flop down on the bed my face in the pillows so nobody can see how red it is. Someone knocks on the door. "Come in" I sigh. "Hey alice tara said you like me is that true". "Um..... Uh..... Well..." "If not I'll leave." "YES OK I LIKE YOU." "Thank god I was scared you would say no". "Why would I say no your nice and funny and sweet and anything else there is nice to say about somebody." "Well In that case" connor said well flopping onto the bed. "Alice?" "What?" "Do you wanna be my girlfriend". "YES!" I said. I fell asleep. I woke up I looked at my phone it was 3pm. I wiggled out of connor arms. I went down to the living room. I saw tara and JC making out. "So how longs this been going on?" "Oh, um.. 6 months". "Ah I see well JC come with me" I said and I took JC outside. Um..." "if you hurt my sister I will KILL YOU GOT IT" I said. "Yes" he whispered. We went inside. "Now you two go in connors room if your gonna do that". They laughed. They were headed out side. "Where are you two going?" "My place" said JC. "Well keep your clothes". They giggled. "I'm serious". "Fine" tara said. "Good". They left and connor came downstairs. "Good day sir" I said in a British accent. "Hallo love" he said the same way. "Hey wanna watch movie" he said. "Sure what movie you wanna watch" I said. What about "mean girls?" "Yeah sure".

* after the movies*
I guess I fell asleep because I was in my room next to connor "goodnight" I said. "Night" he said and we went to sleep

Authors note
Hey so I've been working really hard trying to figure out some good ideas so please comment some ideas love ya :-)

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