chapter 17 proposal?

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Alice POV
I woke up and conner wasn't there so I got dressed and went down stairs. Hey baby! I was just about to wake you up he said jumping off the couch. I sat down on the couch. Alice I have the whole day planned out first were gonna go to the mall and buy you some stuff he said. Wow conner this is so sweet of you I said and got in the car. We got to the mall and he dragged me to forever 21. I'm picking out your clothes you sit here he said and disappeared. He came back with more clothes then I've ever seen in a guys arms. Try these on he said and he put the clothes In the dressing room. Ok I said and I went in the dressing room. The first things were a pair of black jeans with apples on the back pockets and the top was a rainbow tank top that says catchen them z's. I walked out. Pretty now change back into your clothes and I will buy the outfit he said. I walked backed in changed back into my normal clothes and grabbed the outfit. I'm done I said and walked out but conner wasn't there instead it was Ricky. Come on he said and dragged me to the counter. He paid and we left. Thanks Ricky I said. No problem let go sit Down he said. We sat Down. So how have you been doing he said. I've been good what about you I said back. Well you'll be doing a lot better when you do the video with conner he said smiling. What is he talking about I thought and then conner came back. Hey conner I said. Hey Ricky can you film us he said handing Ricky his camera. Sure Ricky said and took the camera.  He started filming. Alice this is not just any video that we do you're the best thing that ever happened to me next to  nutella he said. I giggled a little. He got onto one knee. People started watching and looking. Alice thomes will you Mary me conner said pulling out a little black box with a diamond ring in it. OH MY GOD CONNER I screamed and Ricky was crying. Your answer he said..

Authors note
Guy it's the end of the story the sequel will be called love struck forever so yeah I'm gonna post the first chapter of the book today I'm not gonna leave ya hanging don't worry. Ricky and Cally are gonna have there own book too love ya

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