chapter 13 no condom?

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Alice POV
"Dang Conner, maybe we should have used a condom" I said. "Maybe we should get packing" he said. ."Yeah that's a good idea" I said. We packed everything up and left. We got back home and we were really tired so we threw our stuff on the floor and went to the couch and slept. I slept for like a hour or so but Conner pushed me off the couch. I went up stairs. 10 minutes later I felt Conner get in bed. "Why did you leave" he asked. "You pushed me off the couch and if you push me off of the king size bed were breaking up" I said. "You really don't like to be waken up do you" he asked laughing a little. "You wanna try" I said. "Nope goodnight" he said. "Goodnight Conner" I said and i fell back asleep. I woke up to strange noises from down stairs like rattling and foot steps. I looked over and Conner was sound asleep. I checked my phone 3:17am I went down stairs. Know your probably thinking wait Alice what the heck are you doing with out Conner well I know how to fight because my my little sister Tara was bullied so I got into a lot of fights I won most of them thank god but whatever. I saw a tall figure with a black hoodie the figure turned around and tried to grab me but I kicked him just in time also in the face. "Nice job" I said to myself. The figure ran and sat on the couch. "I didn't know you could kick that high" the person whispered. He sounded like some one I knew. "Wait who are you" I asked ready to punch just in case. "I'm jc duh" he said and pulled off his hood. I screamed I was just in a roller coaster of emotions. I was scared, a little happy, mad, tired, and just weirded out cause it was almost 4 in the morning and jc was in my house what the heck. Conner ran down stairs and screamed. "Well you're manly huh" I said. "What the heck what is jc doing in our house" he said and screamed at the end of the sentence. "I don't know jc why are you in our house?" I asked. "Umm I forgot my phone when I was with Tara" he said. "And the hoodie" I asked. "It's raining" he said. "Stay here for the night but be quite okay" I'll said. And if I don't be quite" said trying to be smart. "I kick you in the face" I said and stomped upstairs. Conner followed me. "You kicked him in the face" Conner said. "Yeah why?" I asked. "How did you do it" he asked happily. "I don't know I just train I guess" I said. "Cool" he said. "Mmmhmm" I said and feel asleep.

Authors note
OMG guys it was so hard making the dirty part omg omg omg. My grandma likes the story but I will not read the dirty (Okay update I deleted the dirty part I'm sorry) part but I will read the rest why you might be asking cause I'm 10. (another update I'm 11 now) that's why so yeah
love ya!

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