chapter 10 anniversary

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Conners POV
I woke with Alice next to me still sleeping I took a shower and I tried to be quite because I didn't want to wake alice up. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I went out of the bathroom and I didn't see Alice in the bed. So I decided to call her mom and ask where we should go on out anniversary.
Alice POV
I heard someone start the shower I assumed it was conner so I got up and changed because I was in a dress which this one was not comfortable to sleep in. I quickly got changed because of the boxers thing which was so weird. I left the bedroom as soon as the shower turned off just in time I thought and raced down the stairs. I got down and I saw all the guys so I decided to make breakfast for everyone. I just got done with breakfast and I heard conner talking to someone. I couldn't figure out what he was saying but I think it was something about our anniversary. Conner came downstairs and looked straight at the food once he saw it he bolted to the kitchen table. Now you wait a minute while I wake every on else up I said looking him. He nodded and waited. I woke Trevor up because he is like a alarm clock when you wake him up. So I woke Trevor up by saying WAKE THE FRICK UP OR YOU DONT GET FOOD so everyone's heads popped up and they bolted to the table. We got done eating and they left JC stayed because he was with Tara. Alice pack some clothes for a week and you have to be done in at least 2 hours conner said. OK I said and went up stairs to pack. I got done pretty quick so I went to the bathroom packed shampoo conditioner my make up you know the bathroom needs. That was done in like 2 minutes so I got my purse and packed my mini stuff. That took like 30 seconds to do. So I went down stairs JC and Tara were making out. Conner was over by the table blushing. I went over took Conner's hand and sat him right next to JC and tara and stared to make out with him. They stopped and we stopped. What was that for Tara said giving me a death glare. Just because I said smirking. Are you done packing yet conner said smiling. Yep I said smiling. Ok get in the car Conner said still smiling. What is up with that boy I thought while grabbing my purse my phone and my bag with my tablet chargers and my laptop. I told JC and Tara goodbye and gave the each a hug they said goodbye and I went out to the car. I got in the car. I few seconds later conner came out with all our stuff. He got in the car and turned on the radio still smiling. song after song we finally got to a very pretty place with cabins and a lake that shimmered In the light.
Its beautiful conner! I said. Conner got out got the stuff and ran down the hill to a cabin and ran back up by time he got back up he was breathing heavy. He opened the car door and took my hand. We walked down the hill hand in hand. The sun started to go down so we went out to a very fancy steak house for dinner. We got back to the cabin. It was 10:36. I went into the bedroom and I forgot to pack something to sleep in. Conner came in and I guess he realized what I was looking for and gave me a big sweat shirt of his. I went in the bathroom and got changed. I saw conner in bed that looked so comfortable. I flopped down and went under the covers. I was out cold in 10 seconds because I was tired from all the driving.

Authors note
Hey so yeah if your Wondering why I never go into a lot of detail is cause I read this to my mom who gives me all my ideas I know really lame right but its true no matter what she is doing she gives me ideas so yeah love ya

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