chapter 14 the wedding

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Tara's POV
I woke up really happy because today is me and jcs wedding. I hop out of bed and go down to the kitchen. Hey jc I say happily. Hey what got you all bubbly he said smiling. How could you forget TODAY'S OUR WEDDING! I said. Oh, duh he said. I rolled my eyes. Hurry up and get up stairs we need to pack and get ready I said. K babe he said and went upstairs. I followed him up. We packed took a shower and jc put everything in the car. We got in and I called Alice.
The phone call
Hey Tara what's up?
Cool what time is it?
How are you so chilled about this and 2:30pm ok?
Yes it's fine and when we get there I will go nuts ok (giggling)
Ok sis (giggling) love you bye
Uh huh same bye
End of call
We get to the spot where were going to have our wedding which is Disney world yeah I know very childish right well me and jc are kids so there. I went with jc to where ever he went and soon we were at our room. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK
I'll get it I said and ran to the door. ALICE! I screamed. Oh, Conner hi I said trying to be sad to make him think I hated him or something but who can be sad on there wedding day right. He looked kind of sad I think it worked. CONNER I CAN'T HOLD IT ON ANY LONGER!I screamed and hugged him. That's better I said. Every one looked at me like I was a idiot except for Alice. Same here girl she said and hug tackled jc. Oh yeah sorry for kicking you in the face she said. What you kicked him in the face why I asked. Well it was 3:17am I think and I heard some weird noises from the kitchen Conner was sound asleep I walked down stairs he tried to grab me but I kicked him ok she said. Oh, well in that case it's totally fine I said. Cool then let's go get you ready well Conner gets jc ready she said and we walked to where we needed to go. Alice made my hair curly like hers. She did a light pink lipstick. And helped me into the dress which was a egg white with little pearls on it. She got into her brides made dress which was light blue. We did the whole little braid made walls down the isle. Then our dad walked me down the isle and I walked to the alter and jc stood next to me. The priest said all the things that they always say during weddings and then the "I do's" do you jc caylen take Tara to be your awfully wedded wife? I do. Do you Tara Thomas take jc to be your awfully wedded husband? I do. I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride. And he did I had to step on his foot to make him stop. Jeez I wonder if Alice has these problems with Conner?
We walked back down the isle and Alice and Conner followed back to Our room. We got back to our room and jc pushed me onto the bed and started kissing me. Were gonna go now Alice said taking Conner's hand and just like that they were gone. JC! I said. What we just got married what did you expect he said looking up at me. I wanted to spend a little time with Alice I said. Lets go to her room then he said. We got up and went to there room which we have a key for. We got to the room and I opened the door. OMG CONNER WHAT THE HECK I screamed. He jumped up off of Alice what the heck are you doing here he said. Oh, if your wondering what happened to jc he ran behind me. WHAT ARE DOING WITH YOUR TONGUE DOWN ALICE THROAT AND YOUR HANDS UP HER SHIRT WHERE HER BOOBS ARE CONNER HUH?
He blushed. Umm well uhh nothing he said trying to act like nothing was going on. Well y'all carry on what ever you were doing I said and closed the door. What's wrong jc I asked. I just saw my friend about do it with a girl oh my god he said a little shook. Well your better off that was my sister I said and we got back to our room. I know something that will get our minds off of it be said smirking. And that is I said smirking. He pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me and then it went to the bed I bet you know what happened next
2 hours later
We were laying next to each other fully clothed but out of breath. I bet you thought we were gonna have sex we just kissed for long time. It was about 5:30pm. Let's go get every one for dinner I said we got up and went to Alice and Conner room first. Let's knock first this time I said. The door opened with Conner in a towel and his hair wet. He must have just taken a shower I said to myself then I see Alice on the bed hair all wet and in a towel. Can I talk to Alice I asked. Sure come on in Conner said. I walked in. Alice what's been going on with you and Conner I said smiling like a idiot. We took a shower together she said dreamy. And... I said. Did you do it I asked. She nodded her head. OMG ALICE I screamed. Conner turned around. What are you talking about he said. You we said in unison. What do you mean me he asked coming closer. Umm you in bed Alice said. Conner blushed bright red. Oh, well im I at least good enough he asked. That's for us to know and you to find out I said. He walked back to the door. Is he good I whispered. She nodded her head again. I smirked. Well I'm gonna let you two get dressed I said and walked out the door closing it behind me. Let's go to Ricky's room next he said. Ok I said. We went to his room jc knocked on the door. Cally answered. I saw Ricky laying in the bed shirtless. OMG CALLY WHAT THE HECK I yelled. They both blushed. Why is everyone having sex I asked. Well were gonna go to kian's room I said and quickly left. I'm scared to go in kian's room after all of this I said. Me too jc said. I knocked on the door kian opened it shirtless with Andrea In the bed. SERIOUSLY I said and stomped of to Trevor and Sam's room. I just swung the door open. They screamed. Come on y'all are the only people that aren't doing it I yelled. They got up and we went to Conner and Alice room again. I opened the door. Good job come on out I said I little mad. What's wrong Conner asked well you come with me and I will tell you I said. What about us jc and Alice said. Go get a table i said and me and conner walled off. We got to kian's room. Andrea in sheets and kian In boxers I said. He knocked on the door. Well your dressed I said. Come on lets go to Ricky's room I said. We got there. Now this one bothers me I said. Why Conner asked. Because this is my friend and your best friend. He gagged but tried to make it look like he didn't. I hid behind the wall well Conner knocked. The door opened. HEY CONNER Ricky yelled. HEY RICKY Conner yelled. Is it safe I said. it's safe Conner said. whew I said and stood next to Conner. Well come on y'all lets go eat I said and we all went to a little restaurant were we planned. We ate and we went back to me and jc room. Now what Alice said. I don't know what should we do I asked. LET'S HAVE A SLEEPOVER! Conner and Ricky yelled. Sure that sounds fun I said and we all pilled wherever we could. Night y'all me and Alice said. Night girls everyone else said and we fell asleep.

Authors note
Hey so this is such a long chapter i mean really long all most 1500 words will I hope you guys like this
chapter love ya

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