chapter 11 deep

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Alice POV
I woke up to the birds chirping and sun shining. this will be a wonderful week I say to myself as I get up. I thought of what I should Wear. Conner sweat shirt was like a mini dress on me why not were this I say and I went into the kitchen. I saw breakfast on the table but I did not see conner. I walked over and I heard running. Your up said conner. Yes I'm up and how did this happen I said pointing to the food. Well I at least know how to cook scrambled eggs he said while holding his hands on his hips and his nose In the air. How come you couldn't do it when we first met I said glancing out the window to see a car. Um... He said well I had a helper he said. I turned around and I saw Ricky just standing there ever so awkward. I jumped up and hid behind the closes Thing to me which unfortunately was conner. I'm In your sweat shirt that just covers part of my thighs and you think to bring Ricky here when we barley know each other I said looking at Conner with a death glare. Oops I guess he said. Oh, poor ricky poor poor ricky I forgot he was just standing there ever so awkward he was just standing there he kinda looked sad though. I walked over and hugged him I took his hand as a friend I did not wanna be weird and sat him down on the couch. What wrong I asked. Well I have a lot on my mind that's all he said looking down. We have time to talk I said smiling a comfort smile as my little sister calls it. And he did he started talking really fast to where I couldn't understand him. Hey hey hey ricky slow down conner come here and help me I said. Conner came and sat down next to me and ricky started again at least this time he was a little more understandable. He talked and talked and talked and talked about every thing until I fell asleep just right then and there I was so tired I didn't even look at the time so I decided to stay asleep. I started to hear yelling I was not up for yelling I got up went over to were it was coming  from and ricky and conner were fighting. They stopped when they saw me I guess the could tell I was mad. I walked up to them I slapped them both across the face. What the heck were you to fighting about I yelled. Um they both said while holding there cheek. Well ricky wants to stay here for the night but I don't want him to ruin the anniversary conner finely spit out. What time is it I asked. Conner checked his phone. 3:38am conner said. I slapped him again. What was that for he asked holding his cheek harder. Its 3 something in the morning and you want ricky who looks like he will pass out any minute drive 5 hours back home I screamed at conner. Say sorry to ricky right now or I will slap you again got it I yelled. Ricky looked scared out of his poor little mind. I'm sorry ricky conner quickly said. Its fine I better get going then I guess ricky said walking out the door but I grabbed his arm before he could leave. He whipped around. Ricky sleep on the couch it almost 4 in the morning I said very tiredly he walked in side I stumbled because I was so tired. Conner quickly grabbed my wrist just In case I fall. We said goodnight to ricky and he did the same. I flopped on the bed and fell asleep just like that.

Authors note
OK person who is reading  this thank you so much you mean the world to me right now and if you wanna see more of me I have a YouTube channel and I'm gonna be posting a video and some vlogs on my trips so yeah its Eileen Waller
Love ya!

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