Finally! Home! Kind of...

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Here's a little quick guide:

YN= your name (full or first doesn't matter)

HC= hair color

Ec= eye color

Hl= hair length

It won't always be capitalized, it all varies.

On with the story!


(Your POV)

I jumped off the plane and pushed my (hl) (hc) back. Finally off the goddamn thing! I made my way towards my luggage and looked around. Looks the same like it did 4 years ago.

I sighed in relief, I'm finally home!

"(YN)!" A voice called out. I looked around and only saw one person running towards me. Oh my god! It's him!

"Makoto!" I jumped onto him and gave him a hug. "You came to take me home! Thanks!" I smiled widely, but he seemed confused.

"Oh, I see. Your parents have passed and that's why you're back." He looked down.

"How did you know?" I almost dropped my duffel bag.

"Your parents made a deal with mine. Once they passed from their diseases, we were appointed to take care of you. I bet you wanted came back to come back to your own house, but my parents want to take you to our house." He explained and sat in a nearby chair.

"I-I guess that's fine." I stumbled a little. I couldn't believe my parents didn't even bother to tell me what would happen after they passed. What ever, right? It's just my friend. "WAIT!"

"Yea?" He responded quickly.

"Does Haru still live near you?" I blushed a little at my question. I loved to swim when I lived here and I kind of had a crush on a kid named Haruka. His name was girly, but he was so cute. He was he best freestyle swimmer in the swim club, but he couldn't care less for records or awards. Which confused me. He never seemed to be interested in me, or any girl for a meter of fact. At some points I thought he was gay, but can you blame me.

"Yup! I remember that little crush you had on him!" He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"No I don't!" I yelled, blushing wildly.

"How would you feel if I tell you he's right behind you?" He smiled and I took a step back.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" A monotone voice said. And to my luck, I saw Haru. I blushed and gave him a small wave. "You're not gonna say anything?"

"Hi." Was all I could muster out, remembering his sleek black hair and ocean blue eyes. Which suited him well.

"You've changed." He walked over to Makoto.

"How so?" I asked grabbing my bags and walking towards them.

"I don't know. And it's too much effort to recall those memories." He snapped as his head to the side.

"And you've haven't changed a bit!" I sat with the group. "How's Nagisa?"

"He's exactly how he was before he was actually gonna come but I don't know where he is!" Makoto chuckled as Haru noticed a big fish tank in the corner of the airport.

"(YN)!" Some hugged me from behind and I yelped.

"Nagisa!" I turned around and gave him a big hug. Nagisa and I were best friends. We'd talk about everything and my parents trusted him to sleepover at our house. Which is big! When my dad saw Makoto hugging me, he didn't allow me to go to the swim club for a month! Let's just say that he's protective.

"So (YN) any cuties in America?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"A couple!" I giggled. I looked back and Haru's eye are wide open. "What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost!"

"No, it's nothing." He turned away.

"Ok, fine. So how about you, Nagisa? Any cute girls?" I wiggled my eyebrows, of course.

"Nah." He said as his carefree self. "Are you still swimming?"

"Yup! Still the best butterfly and backstroke swimmer in all the girl teams I've joined!" I bragged.

"Of course! You're one of the best swimmers I know!" Nagisa said as he grabbed my arm. "Let's go out for dinner! All of us!"

"Yea! Where should we go?" Makoto asked.

"There's a new barbecue place near the old swim club!" Nagisa suggested.

"How is that old swim club?" I asked cheerfully.

"Oh, it's being torn down..." Haru said.

"WHAT?! And you guys can do a thing to stop it!?" I said a little louder than I should.

"Nope! All the contracts are all signed. But I have an idea! Let's get you home first any way." Nagisa pushed me towards Makoto and I fell on him.

"Stop pushing me, you dipshit!" I looked at Makoto and he was bright red. "Sorry Makoto!" I stood up and grabbed my luggage. "Let's go home!"

Well this is my first reader insert so I hope you like it. Bye :3

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