Training Camp in Hell!

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(Your POV)

"Look what I found!" Gou chirped as she ran into the club room. She held up a poster that reads: Training Camp from Hell!!!

"Uh, what's that, Gou?" Mako asked.

"It's a training camp that takes place on a series of private islands! It's swimming 1 kilometer and running 1 kilometer. It's a perfect way to get our stamina up!" She perked.  "We totally have to go!"

"Isn't that sorta insane though? And Rei can barely swim, it's basically a death wish. And not to mention that shouldn't we be working on speed not stamina, none of you guys are swimming for a long time," I debated against them.

"Don't let my inexperience slow you down," Rei said arrogantly, as if his inexperience was going to play a big factor in our decision.

"Yea, inexperience, that's the word," I sighed sarcastically.

"I'm all in," Mako said to the group.

"Are you sure about this? The ocean?" Haru said with a hint of concern, or what I thought was concern, in his monotone voice.

"I'll be fine," Mako reassured him.

"So, not to put a tamper on your huge plans and everything," I started. "But how are we exactly get to the island? And not to mention housing. We don't have enough money to stay at a lodge or something."

"I have camping supplies at my house, so the only thing we'll need to get is someone will a boat to take us there," Mako answered.

"I think I know somebody with a boat!" Nagisa contributed.

Back at my house, Mako and I got the old camping gear from the back closet.

"Are you guys going on a trip!?" One of the twins yelled.

"Can we come!?" The other one asked. 

"No, sorry guys. But this is a trip only the swim club is going on. So you can't tag along," Mako told them.

"Awwww!!!" They both whined and trotted off. After we got everything, we headed over to Haru's house where we see Miss A, Gou, Nagisa, Haru and Coach Sasabe.

"Hey coach! Why are our here?" I asked him as I threw the heavy ass stuff down.

"Nagisa says that you're going on a trip to an island and he asked me if I could take you. And I told him no," he explained.

"Why not?!?" I whined.

"Because it's a waste of my time! Don't you see that I have a job?!" He yelled, pointing to a bag filled with pizzas.

"Come on! It won't take that long and won't you do it for your old students?" I said, doing my puppy eyes.

"Ughhh, I can't say no to a lovely young lady," he sighed in defeat.

"Yes!!" All of us, except for Haru, cheered. Coach Sasabe took us to an old squid boat that was tied to the dock.

"What is this?" I asked him while sweat ran down my head.

"A UFO," he said sarcastically. "It's a boat."

"You sure about that?" I asked him.

"Yup, I'm very sure. Look do you want the ride or not?" He asked.

"Yes," I sighed desperately.

After a miserable boat ride, we finally reached the land.

"For a person who is in the water all the time, you surely do get pretty bad sea sick, don't you (Y/N)?" Nagisa teased as I staggered onto the beach.

"Shut.... up....." I gasped in between gags. Haru placed his cold hand on mine and put it around his shoulder.

"Here," he said quietly.

"Thank..... you....." I gasped. He opened up a towel for me and laid me down on it. "You've been very quiet, well at least more than usual, lately, Haru. Is there something wrong?" I asked him, but he just ignored me and continued on his merry little way to where we were eating.

(Haru's POV)

Why am I thinking this way? Why does she invade my thoughts? She makes me feel so crazy? I want to hug her. I want to feel her skin. I want to.... kiss her? She's so pretty, she's perfect for me. I love her. I want her to be by my side for the rest of my life. Why can't I just tell her that? It's not like it's hard. No, it's extremely difficult. I love (Y/N). I love her with very fiber in my body. I want her to love me too.

(Your POV)

We started getting ready for the first run through of the regiment. Rei was given the choice of a kick board or floatie. Not surprisingly, he chose the kick board. The training regiment wasn't that hard, if you had lungs of steel. We had gotten through half of it before we called it quits.

"Really? Only half?" Gou sighed.

"It's harder than you think," I panted.

"I can imagine. Just push yourselves to the limit and a little bit beyond that or you won't get better. And speaking of getting better, I saw the Samezuka swim team in a pool over nearby the lodge," she informed us.

"Really?" We all asked her.

"Then that means Rin's here?" Haru asked and Gou nodded.

"How about some dinner!?" I said loudly, trying to change the topic.

"Dinner sounds great!" Mako chimed in. Miss A had already set up the table and the food. So all we had to do was dig in.

After an interesting food fight with mackerel and pineapple, we set up the tents.

"Ok, so me and Haru will sleep with this tent and Rei and Nagisa will sleep in the other one. And (Y/N), you can sleep on the one on the send since you didn't want to sleep at the lodge," Mako said to the team.

"Awe, why don't I get to sleep with Haru?" Nagisa whined.

"Don't you not want to sleep with me?" Rei protested.

"Actually," I intercepted. "Can I sleep with Haru?" I asked them sheepishly. I looked at Haru and he looked a little shocked. At least from what I could tell.

"Are you sure about that?" Mako asked me.

"Yea, I don't really want to sleep alone," I told him.

"Then it's settled. I'll be sleeping in that tent over there. (Y/N) and Haru will be sleeping in this one and Rei and Nagisa will be sleeping in that one. Now everyone get a good nights rest cause tomorrow we'll be trying to do the whole regiment," Mako said, taking a step in his tent.

"Yes sir," all of us, except Haru, responded. I stepped into my text and threw a blanket over myself and laid down.

"Good night, Haru," I said as I got comfortable.

"Good night," he responded quietly.

(Haru's POV)

Why did she decide to sleep here of all places? She could have slept with Nagisa, not that I don't want her here.

I watched her angelic face slowly drift into a deep sleep. I placed a hand on her waist and she snuggled up closely to me. Her (H/C) hair met my hand and I ft her hot breath on my neck. I placed one of my legs over hers and she shoved her thin leg in between mine. It was an awkward position for someone who has never felt this way or had been in a relationship before. But I wished this moment could last forever.

With her here and me right next to her.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated this in so long!!! (T_T) I tried my best to give you enough Haru action with staying remotely in his character. I swear I tried. But I finally mustered up the motivation to write another chapter and I'm glad I did. Thanks so much and I hope you enjoyed. Bye:3

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