Training Camp in Hell!!! Part 2

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           (Y/N POV)

"Guys!! Wake up!" I heard Nagisa's faded voice and shook me awake.

"What's the matter?" I groaned. "It's the middle of the night!"

"Mako and Rei are gone! They aren't in their tents and Rei's kick board is gone!" He explained.

"Oh no!" I yelled. I threw off my oversized shirt that covered my bathing suit and jumped into the ocean.

"(Y/N), we need a plan!" Haru called out.

"If we wait any longer they'll get hurt!" I protested. "I'm going ahead! I'm used to swimming in the ocean rather than a pool anyway!"

"(Y/N)!" Nagisa followed me into the water and I swam toward Mako.

"Mako!" I yelled with Haru trailing behind me. We had finally made to him. I hooked my arm onto him and swam as hard as I could towards the shore of he closest island.

"Mako!" Haru yelled as he compressed his chest. I coughed up water and watched Haru. He pinched his nose and brought his face closer to his. But before he could do anything, Mako coughed up water. Haru helped him sit up and patted his back.

"Are you stupid?!" I yelled at him. "You know you're not that used to swimming in the ocean, especially with your fear!"

"I'm sorry," he croaked. "I just had to help Rei!" I threw myself on top of his and gave him a hug.

"Please don't scare me like that again," I cried into his shoulder. He placed his huge hands on my hips as he hugged me too.

"Let's go find the others," Haru suggested. All of us nodded and Haru and I helped Mako up. He put a hand over Mako's shoulder and helped him walked. We found a dark house and we entered it.

"Rei! Nagisa!" I yelled.

"Boo!" Nagisa jumped on Haru as I turned around.

"This isn't a time to fool around!" I scowled at him as Mako went pale. I felt a drop on my head, then it started to rain hard. We ran into the house. It was extremely dark and we could barely see anything.

"I'll look for some candles or matches!" I suggested.

"I got that (YN)!" Nagisa said.

"I'll go with you!" I ran in one direction hoping to find something. And of course me being my clumsy ass, I tripped on something.

"Are you ok?!" Nagisa called out as he ran up to me and rubbed my ankle. I looked at the spot that I tripped and saw something. I placed my hand on the object and it was apparently a flashlight.

"Hey look what I found!" I said excitedly.

"Good job!" They praised me, except for Haru. We made a fire in a room to boil water that we had found.

"Why don't we play a game?" Nagisa suggested.

"Um, ok," I shrugged. "What did you have in mind?"

"Why don't we play truth or dare?" He asked the group.

"Umm ok?" Mako said. "Who wants to go first?"

"I got something for you, (Y/N)!" He smirked. "So, truth or dare?"

"Dare," I said, feeling so bored that I was willing to do almost anything.

"I dare you to kiss one of us right now!" He said proudly as if he had won an award.

"You're kidding?!" I yelled, blushing 50 shades of red.

"Take your pick!" He said looking at the group.

"Fine!" I huffed. I got up and approached Haru. I took a seat next to him and he looked at me. "Don't take this the wrong way! This is just I dare!" I yelled out as I quickly pulled him in to a kiss. For always being in the water, he had pretty dry lips. I pulled away and took my seat next to Nagisa. Everyone stared at me and I got pissed.

"What else do you want from me!?" I yelled.

"Nothing," Rei said.

"Ok who wants to go next?" I asked.

"I got one!" Nagisa called out, again. "Rei, truth or dare?"

"Truth!" He said as he brought his hand to the bridge of his nose and pushed up his glasses.

"What's the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?" Nagisa asked.

"Oh god," he sighed. "So, on a over night school trip, I had lost a very important bag. I looked everywhere for it but couldn't find it. Later on, the teacher called us all because he had found something. He held up a bag wtb underwear in it. From that day forward, everyone knew how my underwear looked."

We all, except Haru, broke into hysterical laughter.

"You're kidding?" I gasped.

"No," he sighed. We all continued to laugh.

"Ok, who's next?" He said quickly trying to change the subject.

"I got one!" I called out. "Haru, truth or dare?" I asked him as he snapped out of the daze he was in.

"Um, truth."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Umm, I have! She is sitting right here," he said bluntly.

"Huh?" I said blindsided. "Are talking about me?"

"Who else here is a girl?" He said in his monotone voice, even though I could tell that he was trying to be sarcastic.

"Why are you in love with me?" I asked perplexed.

"I don't know how, I just am."

"You know what?" Mako interjected. "Let's go to bed!"

"That would be great!" I agreed. Nagisa looked out the window and started to marvel.

"Everyone! Let's go outside!" He yelled as he sprinted out the door. We followed and looked out to the ocean. The stars were reflecting off the ocean. Making a beautiful sparkling affect.

"Wow..." we all marveled.

"Let's go out for a swim!" I suggested. We all ran in and played around til dawn.

             (Gou's POV)

"What are they doing?" I yelled as I looked to see all of the boys and (Y/N) lying on the shore of the beach. Haru's and Nagisa's body curled up next to (Y/N). It looked pretty comfortable for her.

"Why don't we let them sleep in?" Miss A suggested looking at them. "They did work hard yesterday."

"Fine!" I huffed and looked at them. They were all sleeping so peacefully.

Sorry!!! I know I'm late. T_T. Hope you liked his new chapter. Make sure to vote and comment.

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