My First Day!

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           (Your POV)

"Mako-" I started as I walked along side him.

"Don't 'Mako' me! You almost got arrested!" He screamed.

"I just meant to ask you about Rin," I pouted.

"Rin! You ran into him?!"

"Yea, who is he?" I asked.

"He's an old friend. Wait! Weren't you with Haru?"

"Yea, so?"

"How did he react!?"

"He was calm-ish. They were going to race each other, but I stopped them because there wasn't any water in the pool." I giggled.

"Did anything happen?"

"He hit on me, but other than that, that's pretty much it," I shrugged.

"HE HIT ON YOU!?" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Shut up! We'll get arrested for disturbing the public! And I would hate to be almost arrested twice in one night! And yes, he hit on me. He told Haru that he wouldn't let him have a good looking girl that he can't have. I told them that I wasn't to get in the middle of a fricking rivalry, especially with a person that I don't know. And why was he such an asshole?"

"Well let's just say that he had a dream and was always beaten by Haru. Therefore he always had to beat him, or he couldn't complete his dream because he felt... Well I don't know. He just felt like making sure that he could beat Haru. I just don't know."

"Ok. I'll just ask Haru." We finally got home and I threw open that door. "I'm going to sleep! I don't need anymore casualties! Good night, Mako!" I walked up the stairs.

"Ok, good night, (YN)!" He responded. I got to my room and threw on some shorts and a super baggy shirt. "(YN)!"

"What, Mako?" I swung my legs off the bed and walked to his room.

"Remember that tomorrow is opening ceremony so make sure that you have everything! We probably would have to get Haru and I don't want to be late!" He reminded me.

"Ok, then I might as well go to sleep," I walked back to my bedroom and saw the twins all snuggled in my bed asleep. "Good god!" I mumbled. I kiss each of them on their forehead and walk over to the couch. So on my first night, I have to sleep on the couch.

"(YN)!" I heard someone whisper. "(YN)!" My eyes fluttered open.

"What do you want, Mako?" I groaned.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch?" He asked.

"The twins got into my bed and were already asleep, so I just left them there," I turned away.

"Come on. You can sleep in my bed," he smiled and picked up the sheets.

"That really isn't necessary. The sheets have already accepted me as one of their kind, so I might as well stick with them."

"Don't worry!"

"I honestly don't wanna get up!" I groaned.

"Here!" He picked me up and carried me to his room.

"Fine!" I sighed in defeat. I held onto his shirt and he placed me on bed.

"Good night! Can I call you sis?" He asked.

"Yea, sure!" I smiled. "Good night, brother!"


"Hey, sis. Wake up," Mako shook me awake.

A Dolphin or a Shark  (Rin x reader x Haru) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now