Teaching a Hopeless Swimmer

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(YN's POV)

"Why didn't you tell us that you couldn't swim?!" I yelled at the blue haired idiot.

"I thought that it was irrelevant," he protested.

"What do you mean irrelevant?! This is a swimming club!" I continued to scream as Mako held me back before I tore his head off of his neck.

"I'm sorry!" He ran behind Nagisa.

"(YN) calm down. We can just teach him!" Nagisa suggested.

"Fine, but we have to do this as quick as possible!" we got in the pool.

A few hours later


"Ok?" Mako stared awkwardly after my outbreak.

"Haru, why don't you teach him?" Nagisa asked him.

"No, that requires effort!" He said turning his head to the side.

"You dumbass! All you have to do is teach how not to sink like my grades!" I continued to yell. "Why can't you just teach him how not to sink!?"

"Effort," Is the only thing that Haru responded with.

"You know what?! I'm going to swim and no one is going to interrupt me!" I yelled as I ripped the towel away. I dived in and started to swim a IM.

I swim for about an hour or so before I hear Haru and Rei talking. I didn't bother listening to what they were talking about and I got ready to leave. I went for a run near the Samezuka and saw him again.

"Should I just expect to see you whenever I run?" I giggled.

"I guess so. I saw you swimming against the captain today, good job. You actually beat him. Do you do competitions?" Rin asked me.

"I used to, but it's hard to find a female swim team around here," I explained.

"I guess that would make sense. You should really look into it more often though, you're amazing!"

"You're now just trying to flatter me!"

"Well, I'll have to be on my way but it was nice talking you," Rin got up and waved goodbye as he started running back towards his school.

At the next practice, a miracle happened. Rei was swimming! Not sinking!

"How'd did you do that?!" I screamed.

"Haru and I had a conversation yesterday and it make me realize what I was missing. Inspiration!" He explained.

"This is great!" I yelled out to the other team members. "We can compete!"

Hi!!! Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to give you something before thanksgiving. Hope you enjoyed, bye :3

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