The Medley Relay

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           (Your POV)

"YOU DID WHAT!?" The boys yelled at Gou.

"I'm sorry!" She squeaked back as she tightly shut her eyes.

"What's going on here!?" I yelled and got in between them.

"Gou signed us up for the medley relay!" Nagisa explained.

"And that's so back because?" I asked.

"We told her that we weren't going to do it!"

"Just do it," I yelled at them. They all shut up and looked at each other.

"Let's do it," Mako suggested. They all smiled and went back to Iwatobi to practice. I didn't decide to stay, it was useless anyway. I went to Samezuka and looked for Rin.

"(Y/N)!" I heard someone yell, but it wasn't Rin. A small high school boy with gray hair ran up to me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked him.

"Rin told me about you. He likes you a -!" He stopped and covered his mouth with his hand. "I wasn't supposed to say that!"

"It's ok!" I giggled. "I already know. Speaking of which, where is he?"

"He's in the pool, if you want to join him!" He smiled and waved goodbye. He left in the direction of the dorms. I walked my ass over to the pool and saw Rin dive in. He seemed to have been practicing for tomorrow. I waltzed in and took a seat on a bench.

"You're doing good," I said to him as he hoisted himself out of the pool.

"Thanks, didn't think you'd be talking to me," he said as he wrapped a towel around his neck.

"Why would you ever think that?" I asked him.

"I told Haru that I would never swim with him again. Wait, didn't you ask him what was wrong, or do you just not care?"

"Shut up. And now I see why you would ever think that. Why say that I found know you mean a lot to him?"

"I don't care. I'm going to accomplish my father's dream. And if I can beat Haru, then can do it!" He snapped.

"Does it look like I care about some stupid petty dream?! You not only may have ruined your friendship, but you probably have ruined his spirit!"

"You're just defending him because he's Haru! If he said those thing to me, you wouldn't give half a shit!"

"Now you're just making things up!" I shouted. "I love both of you equally, even if I've known Haru way longer. You've both made me happy and if Haru said those cruel things to you, I would be yelling at him like I am to you," I said warmer.

"I'm sorry," he said after a long period of silence. "I didn't mean to sound like a bitch, but I hate that Haru was better than me. I tried everything, went to boarding school with the highest swim teams, took swimming classes from world class coaches. I even thought about take steroids at one point! He was naturally so much better than me."

"It's fine," I lied. It wasn't fine. He broke Haru's heart. I don't know what he sees in this guy as a friend. He's selfish, arrogant, and a simple bitch.

"You're lying," he said out of no where. I eyed him suspiciously.

"How did you know?"

"I just noted that your tone sounded like you were lying. I've heard a lot of people lie to me, I'm used to it. Please, just understand that I'm really not that bad of a guy."

"Fine, whatever. Just get ready to get your ass whooped in the medley relay tomorrow. Our team is competing." I flipped my hair and walked home. Mako was already home, but was asleep.

"What's Haru so caught up about? Why am I developing feelings for both of them?" I said to myself in my room. My ceiling somehow caught my attention, then dozed off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and got ready. Mako ran in and was ecstatic about his first relay in who know how long. I walked downstairs and saw an unopened letter on the dinner table. It had my name on it.

"(Y/N)!!" Mako yelled from the doorway, right before I opened the letter. "Let's go!"

"Ok!" I responded as I threw down the letter and ran out the door. We got to the stadium and I went to my seat. I wasn't going to waste time with them. I wanted to watch the relay and move on.

After many races, Rin was up for freestyle. He was off to a nice start until, for some reason, he slowed down. All the other swimmers got ahead of him and my heart started to pound.

"Go Rin! Swim damnit!" I screamed at the pool. He came in last. "WHAT THE F**K?!"

He was coughing and he struggled to get out of the pool. Haru ran to what seemed like the hall where all the swimmers meet. I followed. Rin was already there throwing things and screaming.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

"You don't know what it feels like, (Y/N)! To be kicked off the medley relay and to lose!" He yelled. I turned around and saw that Haru wasn't behind me, but I didn't pay attention to that.

"Yes, I do! Just calm down!" I got closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. But before I knew it, I felt a stinging pain on my cheek and I was rammed into the vending machine. He slapped me and pushed me roughly onto the vending machine. I slid down to my feet and cried.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I heard Haru scream.

"Don't talk to me like that!" Rin yelled.

"You know that she was abused, right?" Haru asked him.

"Stop," I whispered as I placed a hand on my cheek.

"Her father would beat her senseless and her mother didn't do anything. I just thought you should know that."


(3rd person POV)

"Daddy! Daddy!" Little (Y/N) ran to her father who was sitting at he table. "Guess what?" He didn't respond. "I got a gold star today for being good!"

"That's nice sweetheart. Now leave your father alone," her mother said to her.

"But I want him to see my star!" The little girl persisted. She pulled on his shirt. He sat up and slapped her so hard she fell to her knees.

"Little piece of shit. How about you listen to your mother for once!" He yelled as he spat on her. The little girl started to cry softly, but he somehow heard. "Now you want to cry! Cry about this!" He raised his shot glass high above his head and threw it down on her head. The little girl cried out in pain as her mother simply kept cooking. She bleed onto the ground. Her tears and blood collided. She stared down at it as she refused to get up. Her father walked away and left her there.

End of flashback

"Hope you know that."

A Dolphin or a Shark  (Rin x reader x Haru) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now