The New Member of the Swim Club - Rei

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          (YN's POV)

"We've done everything!" I yelled out in defeat. "We've put up posters, gave out flyers, and even tried giving out gifts! Nothing's working!"

"There is one thing we haven't tried!" Nagisa bursted into the room. "Why don't we have Miss A prance around in a swimsuit!"

"Don't even think about it!" She scowled and tried to hit him with a newspaper. Nagisa yelped and ran away.

"Why don't we try a new approach?" I added.

"And what would that approach be?" Mako asked.

"I have no idea!" I tried saying brightly.

"I was on the train this morning and I saw someone who I thing would be a great swimmer!" Nagisa added.

"Who might that be?" I asked.

"I don't know exactly. But I know he's on the track team. I'll work on recruiting him!"

"Are you even sure that he'll want to join if he's on the track team?"

"I'm pretty sure!" As Nagisa finished, the bell rings. "Oh crap! I'm late for class!"

"What class is Nagisa in?" I asked Mako.

"He's a first year so I'm not sure," he responded.

"HE'S A FIRST YEAR?!" I yelled shocked.

"How did you not know?"

"I don't know. I just thought that since he swam with you that he was the same age," I said, scratching the back of my head.

----------time skip to the end of the day----------

"That's him!" Nagisa yelled, pointing to a boy with red glasses and blue hair. He gave Nagisa an irritated look and did his pole vaulting thing. As we swung over the pole, we all gasped.

"He would be an awesome diver!" Haru added.

"And he would be perfect for the team!" Nagisa yelled.

"And why would that be?" Mako asked.

"Because he has a girly name. His name is Rei!"

"What do you want?" He looked at Nagisa.

"I brought the swim club and we want you to at least come to a practice you don't have to swim!" Nagisa bargained.

"Yeah! Don't worry about swimming we just need you to come please!" I said overly loud.

"Who might you be?" He asked me.

"I'm (YN) (Last Name)! I'm a second year. Please I beg of you!"

"Ugh, fine. But I'm not swimming." He turned around and I celebrated.

"We can go to the practice!"

"Why did you want me to come?!" Rei exclaimed as Nagisa pulled him towards the pool.

"Remember when you said that swimming wasn't beautiful? Well I'm going to show you that it is!" He pointed to Haru who was swimming, or some reason.

Something lit up in him. You could tell that he as intrigued. It seemed as if we saw something more than what Nagisa was telling me. Before they continued to do whatever they were doing with him, I went home. I honestly didn't want to see that.

On the way home, I stop by the park near Samezuka again.

"Oh, look what the cat dragged in!" I heard Rin's voice taunted behind me.

"Hey Rin!" I greeted to him.

"You're awfully cheery." He laughed.

"Well we finally have enough members to have a joint practice with Samezika!"

"That's great." He said, pretty gloomy.

"Have you joined the swim team yet?"

"Yeah, but I don't know if I'll go tomorrow."

"Will it make your feel better if I told you that I was swimming too? I'll be in a swimsuit!" I taunted.

"Well, maybe. Now that you've sweetened the deal!" He smirked.

"You should!" I walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye!

----------time skip to the practice at Samezuka----------

"Hey!" The captain of the Samezuka swim team said loudly.

"Hello! I would like to thank you on the behave of the team for letting us practice here!" I told him. He stared at me and Gou, who was standing next to me.

"I knew that Gou was cute, but she didn't tell me she had a hot friend who was a swimmer!" He smiled brightly and I blushed. "No problem! Do whatever you do on a normal practice. But first we are putting your team to the test!"

We all met near the pool and we finished up the dry land warm ups.

"Where is your swimsuit?" He asked Rei.

"He's not swimming!" I interjected.

"Of course he is!"

"Oh, look. The poor guy is so clueless he forgot his swimsuit!" I chuckled awkwardly.

"No, he can't swim. He's on his period!" I yelled cluelessly, for that was always my excuse for cutting practice.

"He's a boy," Nagisa said as he sweat dropped. 

"Anyway, he can borrow one of ours! Aii, get him a swimsuit." A boy with gray hair walked up to him and pulled him towards the locker room. I shrugged knowing that I can't do anything. We started in relays and I chose to do backstroke. That's what my man shoulders were for.  (I'm not exactly sure what they did here so I just choose whatever. Sorry:'( )

"Ready," a kid shouted. I was up against the captain, so I knew for sure I wasn't going to beat him. "GO!"

I pushed off the wall, hard. I focused on my dolphin kick, then to making sure what my beat was steady. Once I figured it out, I kicked and stroked as hard as I could. I got to the wall and turned. I noticed that I was ahead of the captain. I got to the wall and Nagisa dived in.

"You're good, very good!" He praised me as he helped me out of the water. I was so exhausted, I collapsed onto him. "You really gave it your all!" He laughed and helped me up, but it wasn't enough. My legs felt like jello and my arm couldn't keep me from falling. Haru ran up and picked me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I don't want you falling all over the Samezuka captain. We're here for swimming, not flirting." He placed me on a bench.

"I wasn't flirting!" I defended myself.

"Yeah, sure. Just rest here until the end of practice, ok?" He said walking away.


A Dolphin or a Shark  (Rin x reader x Haru) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now