The Tournament is here!

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(Your POV)

"Hey, let's go everyone!" I yelled to everyone on the bus. "We are finally here!"

"Yay!" Nagisa said behind me. "Who's ready to swim?"

"Damn, I wish girls could compete too. This is ass!" I whined.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). We'll go to girls' competition for you," Mako suggested.

"Any girl I face in swimming is going to take the L!" I said confidently.

"The L?" All the boys asked.

"It's American slang for 'the lose'." I explained.

"Oh!" They all said in realization. We all entered the arena. The boys went to go get warmed up and changed while the rest of us took a seat.

"This is so exciting!" Gou said wiggling around in her seat.

"I know!" I agreed as I looked at the program. "What?" I mumbled quietly.

"What's the matter?" Gou asked.

"Rin and Haru are racing against each other," I told her as I showed her the line up.

"Oh, that's great! But now I don't know who to cheer for!" She said with a grin.

"No, that's not good," I stood up and ran to the hallway looking for Rin. Because of my haste, I bumped right into someone.

"Oh, hey!" The person I bumped into was the Samezuka swim captain.

"Ah, just who I was looking for! Well, not exactly, but a start. Where's Rin?" I asked him.

"I think he's down this hall," he pointed down to the end of the corridor.

"Thank you," I said as I ran in that direction. I saw Rin and walked up to him with the lineup. "What's the fucking meaning of this?"

"Woah, what's the matter?" He asked innocently.

"I know you're the one that purposely slowed down or increased your time so that you'd be next to Haru!" I accused him. "That's mad petty!"

"Mad petty?" He asked.

"American slang! Explain yourself!"

"I won't be able to move on unless I beat Haru at his best."

"But Haru cares about you! He wants to see you get better and race with you!"

"I don't care!" He yelled. I flinched at his voice and crossed my arms at my chest. "I don't care." As he walked past me, he pushed me so hard I fell to the ground. I fell right on top of my shoulder blade and I felt something dislodge.

"(Y/N)!" Haru yelled as he rushed to your side. "Are you ok?"

"I think I hurt my shoulder," I groaned as I sat up. "Ah!" I yelled as Haru touched it.

"I'm sorry!" He said as his cheeks started to turn red.

"What is it?" I asked noticing.

"You're gonna have to take off your shirt so that I can check," he said as he covered his mouth.

"Haha!" I laughed. "You're so funny!" I continued to laugh, but he kept a straight face. "You're serious?" He nodded.

"Unless you wanna have one of the school health people check it. We don't have one."

"A what?"

"Each school is allowed to bring someone, like a nurse, if one of their teammates gets hurt outside of the pool area. If it's within he pool area it is the lifeguards' job to do that," he explained.

"Can I see Samezuka's? Since we don't have one," I suggested. They were he only other school I would trust with my shoulder.

I had injured my shoulder a while back. This kid pushed me down the stairs, for who know what reason, and I injured my shoulder badly. Along with other things, but since my therapist is in America and he is the only person I trust with my shoulder. I always wear a brace, but since I've moved here I stopped wearing it. That's probably why my shoulder got hurt so easily.

"Ahhh!" I winced and moaned in pain as Haru carried me bridal style. "It hurts!" I screamed in excruciating pain. It felt as if someone took a knife and craved my shoulder blade out.

"We're almost there," he said as we approached the infirmary. We entered and Haru said, "Does anybody know how to work with dislocated bones?" He said to the room filled with high school boys and girls. A boy who was wearing a Sumazika jacket ran up to us.

"I do." He took me from his arms and carried me to a isolated cubicle. "I don't wanna sound like a rapist or anything, but take off your shirt," he laughed after saying it. I laughed too, but didn't move. "Come on," he said. I put my hands on the bottom of my shirt, but refused to take it off. "If you won't take it off, I will," he put his hands on top of mine and started to raise it.

"Please, stop," I told him as I pushed my hands down.

"Come on!" He said. "Do you want me to see your shoulder or not?" I sighed and shut my eyes. He took my shirt off and turned me around. His cold fingertips touched my shoulder blade and I winced.

"Ow!" I moaned.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "It looks like you dislocated your shoulder."

"You don't think I know that already," I groaned. "Not again."

"You have before?" He asked.

"Yeah, a while back."

"Well, let me do some massage therapy," he smirked. I raised an eyebrow and hugged my chest. He turned me back around and he hugged me.

"Oi!" I heard someone say outside the cubicle, but the massage he was giving me was actually pretty good. He got on top of me as he massaged me. The curtain swished open and a familiar red head appeared.

"What the fuck is this?" He growled when he saw he scene.

"I can explain," the nurse boy explained.

"Why did you stop?!" I groaned. I looked at Rin and I blushed furiously. "Rin?!"

"What is this?" He repeated.

"It's not what you think!" I started. "I dislocated my shoulder! He was just giving me a massage. I swear!"

"Then why are you topless?" Rin asked.

"He was examining my shoulder!" I explained. I shoved on my shirt and ran out of the room.

"Where were you?" Gou asked as I took a seat next to her.

"It's a long story. Who's next?" I asked her, wheezing in pain.

"Rin and Haru's race is after this!" She exclaimed.

Yay!! I updated! Hope you like this chapter and you may now know, his is not on hold anymore!

A Dolphin or a Shark  (Rin x reader x Haru) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now