The Medley Relay Part 2

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(Your POV)


"Just thought you should know that," Haru persisted.


"Stop it," I mumbled again, but they kept going about their conversation.

"He beat her until she could barely walk on her own. He verbally abused her to the point where she can barely talk on her own. He mentally abused her so much, she could barely think on her own any more. I bet she was happy when her father and mother died with diseases."

"I said to stop!" I screamed. "You have no right to tell him that! And you don't know how I felt when they died!"

"I'm sorry," Haru said softly.

"You act like she's the only one with scars," Rin said. "You know what? I'm tired of this! I quit swimming in Australia and I should have have stayed quit!" Then stormed off. Haru looked at me and I stormed off too. I went outside and sat on the stairs, I cried until I started screaming. I turned the corner and saw Haru and Rin fighting again. Haru then grabbed Rin's collar threw him onto the floor and got on top of him. They yelled at each other, but I couldn't hear a word they were saying.

Regardless, the medley relay was about to begin, and this was one thing I couldn't miss. I sat with Gou and Miss A, along with the coach. Everyone lined up at the diving boards, but Rei was no where to be seen. Instead, Rin was lined up where Rei was! I jumped out of my seat and ran to the railing, almost falling off.

The whistle blows before I can even yell and Mako dived in. I watching in amazement for he was faster than before. The transitions were swift and fast, Nagisa was next up and he looked like the penguin he is. Then Rin, he was next. He dived in swiftly like Nagisa and I heard Gou gasp.

"What is he doing?!" She yelled.

"I don't know!" I yelled back. He pulled again in front of everyone and then it was Haru's turn. My heart pounded knowing that this was Haru's moment to shine. It's his turn to finally care. He swam and swam with what I think was all his heart. The horn blared and I whipped my heart to the leaderboard.

1. Iwatobi High School

I beamed with joy and practically jumped off the railing, which luckily wasn't too high above the pool. I ran to Rin and jumped on him.

"You did it! You better not quit, at least not now! You've never even raced me yet!" I chirped as I clung onto him like a koala bear.

"I'm not quitting," he said as he hugged me. I jumped off and looked at Haru. I ran up to him and did the same.

"You did it, I knew you could," I whispered in his ear and hugged him tightly. He buried his head in my back and hugged me. Gou came up to us with a camera.

"Smile!" She exclaimed as she held up the camera. Rin and Haru put their arms around me and smiled.

"DISQUALIFIED!" We all yelled outside of the stadium.

"That's absurd!" I yelled at the judge. Haru carried me back to the van before I fought the stupid judge as he explained why to the rest of the team. We drove home and sat at the table.

"That's so stupid!" I said to Mako.

"They had valid reasons. It alright, we had fun and that's all that matters," he smiled.

"Yea," I sighed as I noticed the letter from this morning. I opened it up and read what it had to say.

Dear (Your Full Name),

I'm the lawyer that is in charge of your parents' will. I writing this letter to tell you that your parents own a house in the southern part of Japan. The will states that you must stay there for 3 years until you are then allowed to live on your own.

I understand that you living in the Tachibana residence, but your parents wished for that and I plan on complying. I am going to take you to the house on May 2. Please be ready by then.


Patrick Brown

My jaw dropped.

"What's the matter?" Mako asked as he took a bite of a muffin. I handed him the letter and he read it. I started crying and looking him. "May 2nd is tomorrow."

I ran out of the house and ran first to Haru's house. Assuming the door wasn't locked, I bursts in. He was sitting at his table eating and I hugged him.

"I'm going to miss you," I sobbed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I... have.... to .... move," I gasped on between sobs.


"I don't know! I just know that I can't come back until 3 years from now."


"I have to go pack, I leave tomorrow," I got up to go leave, but Haru grabbed me and pulled me to him. He hugged me tightly and cried into my back. He turned me around and then kissed my cheek.

"I love you," he said quietly.

"I love you too," I replied and kissed his forehead. I left and ran to Samezuka. In the office, I insisted on seeing Rin, but since I wasn't family member they wouldn't let me in.

"Please!" I begged them. They sighed and gave me a pass. "Thank you!" I sobbed and ran to the dorms. I saw the little gray haired boy that's friends with Rin and yelled at him.

"Where's Rin's room?" I asked him.

"Why?" He just asked.

"Just tell me."

"Over there," he said and pointed to a room two doors down. I rushed in and saw Rin sitting on his bed. I jumped on top of him and cried.

"Woah! Are you ok?" He asked as he put an arm around my neck.

"I have to move tomorrow and I won't be able to see you until 3 years from now," I sobbed. Rin sat up with a jolt and I was sitting on this lap.

"You're joking?" He asked looking at me. I shook my head and he hugged me. "Don't leave."

"I wish I had a choice, and chances are I won't see you tomorrow. I care about you," I sobbed and tried to smile. He placed a hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes. I put my head onto his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you, too," I replied.

------- time skip to the next morning -------

Me. Brown came and picked me up at 4 in the morning. I left the house quietly, the last thing I needed was to make a ruckus. He took me and I cried softly in the car.

It was a 5 hour drive to a country house. It was huge, too much for just one person. I unpacked and set on my 3- year journey here.

Hi guys!! It's me, Melody-chan! I know this chapter is rushed, but I really wanted to update. This is the last chapter of the actual story and then the next two will be the ending chapters. There will be a Rin ending and a Haru ending. You can read both, it's just two different ways the story could have ended. And that's it!

Bye loves. :)

A Dolphin or a Shark  (Rin x reader x Haru) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now