Tresspassing... Again?!

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(Your POV)

"Good job, everyone!" I praised, looking at the semi clean pool.

"Hey guys!" I heard a girl call out to the boys. She looked a ton like Rin. "I went to go visit my brother the other day and apparently he's not in the swim club there!"

"Really?!" Mako exclaimed.

"Who's this?" I asked, taking off my sweatshirt.

"This is Gou Matsuoka. Rin's younger sister," Nagisa explained.

"Oh, no wonder you look so much like him! My name is (YN)!" I held out my hand to her.

"You know my brother? You don't look familiar," she was hesitant to shake my hand, but she shook it lightly.

"Kind of. I met him recently," I said.

"Oh ok. But I just wanted to tell you guys that." She walked off.

"Why don't we go to Samezuka?" Nagisa suggested.

"Are you kidding me?" I sighed.

"Yea! Let's go! We'll all meet there when no one is at the pool!" Nagisa continued.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat.

----------time skip to late at night----------

"Here we are," I said looking into the water of the Samezuka pool. "Let's hop in!" I throw my shirt and skirt to the side. I saw Mako and Nagisa blushing immensely at my swimsuit.

"(YN)!" Nagisa exclaimed. "You look super cute in a bathing suit!"

"Thanks! I'm going in!" I jumped in and start swimming. I love freestyle, so I did that. I heard them gasp at my speed, and what's funny is that I'm not even trying. "Come on!" I called out to them. They all jumped in and I sat on the ledge.

"What's with all the noise?!" I heard a familiar voice scowl. I saw Rin at the door. "(YN)." He eyed me top to bottom and then smiled. "The fact that you're a swimmer makes you even more attractive!" He came to me and saw everyone. "What all of you doing here?!"

"First of all why are you hitting on my sister!?" Mako confronted him getting out of the pool.

"Your sister?" Rin asked.

"We technically my parents have custody over her after her parents passed away!" He said without thinking.

"Her parents passed away?" He asked, cluelessly.

"Don't worry about!" I interrupted. "Why do you care that we're here?"

"I want to race Haru, now that I know that it's not just you," he took off his clothes to expose a beautiful body, one I didn't pay much attention to the other night. I started drooling. "You like what you see?" He smirked.

"N-n-no!" I stuttered, continuing to drool. Rin and Haru got in position to race and I sat in the back watching. Rivalry. Is that all boys are good for these days? Watching the race was a little suspenseful. They were neck and neck, but ultimately, Rin won.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. He was celebrating and Haru was genuinely happy that he won. But for some reason he got angry. He grabbed Haru's goggles and pulled him towards him. "What have you been doing these last 3 years?!"

"Huh?" Haru said, confused.

"What's with this ruckus?!" A security guard charged into the room.

"I didn't realize that we were trespassing," I sighed, putting my shirt back on.

"What were you thinking?!" The teacher lectured to the 4 of us.

"We're sorry!" I protested.

"I don't wanna hear it! You were a foot deep in formal charges! You're lucky the school let it slide!" He continued.

"I think you've lectured them enough," Miss A interjected. "We all know the famous saying made by Oscar Wilde 'To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people just exist.' We all have to live life to the fullest!" (I know this isn't the quote, I just wanted to give you something)

"Fine!" He sighed. "But! If I ever hear about this again, you will be punished severely!"

"Yes sir!" We replied in unison.

"Thanks Miss A!" I said, bowing.

"Don't worry about it! I wouldn't want you guys to get in trouble after you all went to the trouble to getting the swim club started!" She smiled.

At the club, we were thinking about how to get new members when Gou bursted into the room.

"I was able to get a joined practice at Samezuka!" She exclaimed.

"Wow Gou!" I said happily.

"It's Kou," she said out of nowhere.

"Ok...." I turned to the rest of the team. "We can finally have a real practice!"

"Yea!" Nagisa jumped up and down.

"But here's the thing. We have to have four swimming members," she explained.

"But we have (YN)!" Nagisa whined.

"4 male members. (YN) can still swim, but you have to have another person." She continued.

"We'll just have to find another person. But good day everyone. We're actually getting some progress!" I stood up. "I'm going for a run!" I give my backpack to Mako and I start running. I get to the park that's near Sumazika. I heard footsteps and I look over to my left.

"You're the last person I'd expect to see here!" I saw the pointy toothed swimmer.

"So did I!" I giggled as I sat on a nearby bench. "Done with swim practice?"

"Actually I never joined the swim club in Samezuka," he looked down.

"Are you kidding me!? You're an awesome swimmer! Why wouldn't you join?!" I grabbed his hands.

"It's because I quit back a couple years ago. I swam against Haru and seeing that going to a boarding school wasn't doing anything I hit a brick wall. I'm joining again though," he held my hand and we looked into each other's eyes. "You know, something about you makes me want to tell you everything. Why is that?"

"I have that effect on boys. They always love me!" I bragged. I heard someone running and they were approaching us quickly. Before I knew it, Haru was snatching me away. He just grabbed me and started running. "What the fuck are you doing?! Teme!" I screamed hitting his back. Was he jealous?

A Dolphin or a Shark  (Rin x reader x Haru) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now