Dinner and ... Trespassing?

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          (Your POV)
Makoto and I got to the house and he showed me to my room. It wasn't anything fancy. A normal bedroom. I threw my bags on the bed and started unpacking.

"Shirts, they go in the first drawer. Skirts go in the second..." I mumbled to myself trying to fold the clothes.

"Hey (YN), start changing we'll have to leave soon!" Makoto reminded me.

"Ok!" I grabbed a black skirt and a black tank top. I realized that I was wearing too much black, even though you can never have too much black, so I grabbed a red flannel and tied it around my waist. I shoved on my red combat boots and let my hair down. "Coming!" I raced down the stairs and saw Makoto in jeans and a tee-shirt.

"Ready?" He asked opening the door.

"Yup!" I chirped. We walked to Haru'a house to make sure that he was  ready to go.

"Haru, I'm coming in," Makoto said walking in.

"Shouldn't you knock?" I asked, following skeptically.

"If I knock he won't answer," he sighed. "He's in the bathroom. He threw the door open and I shielded my eyes.


"Don't worry." He started. "Haru always has a bathing suit on," I took my hands off my eyes and saw Haru in his black and purple swim trunks.

"Well that was anticlimactic..." I sighed.

"I'm gonna go put on some clothes, I'll be back," he informed in his monotone voice.

"(YN), I'm going ahead. Knowing Haru he'll take a while and I don't want them to think that we're not coming," Makoto stood up. "Don't worry about getting there, Haru knows where it is." He opened the front door. "I think."

"You think?!" But he closed the door before he can hear me.

"(YN)!" Haru called out.


"What goes good with blue?"

"Black, sometimes red."


"Sometimes. Why are you asking?"

"Come here. I can't chose what to wear."

"Wow, you really are a girl!" I teased walking to his bedroom. He was wearing a blue shirt with a light blue sweatshirt over it.

"These red shorts or these black jeans?" He held up the pants.

"The black jeans!" I said pointing.

"Ok," he said and put the pants on. "Let's go."

"Do you know even know where the restaurant is?" I asked walking along side him.

"Kind of," I sweat dropped. I don't like those words. "How was America?"

"It was ok. A lot of good swimmers. They gave me challenge, but I beat them all!" I bragged.

"I excepted nothing less from you." He praised.

"Praise from the oh so great Haru? I feel honored!"

"Hn. Take a left here."

"Are you sure we're going the right way?"


"Oh god Haru! Wait, isn't that the old swim club?" I saw the terribly worn down building.


"This sucks, I had so many good memories there."

"Let's go in."

"You're nuts!"

"Let's go!" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me over the fence.

"We're gonna be in big trouble!" I followed him in.

"Did you hear that?"

"Stop trying to change the subject!"

"No I'm serious!" He pulled me in a hug.

"What are you doing?! BAKA!" I tried to pry him off of me and then I saw a figure walking towards us. "I bet you planted this, Haru! So if you're one of Haru's friend just come out!"

"Who are you, and why are you with Haru? Are you his girlfriend?" The figure spat.

"Who are you to ask!?" I yelled. "Who is this asshole Haru?"

"Rin?" He asked moving towards him.

"You actually know this asshole?!" I screamed.

"Haru, tell your girlfriend to be quieter," I could finally see him. He had red hair and pointy teeth. Judging by his body structure, he was also a swimmer.

"She not my girlfriend," Haru defended.

"Then is it ok if I take her? She's super cute and I can't let my rival have a cute girl." He snuck  an arm around my waist and played with my (HC) hair.

"Um, you may be cute, but I'm not gonna jump on the gun. I don't know if your a psychopath!" I got out of his grip. "I'm also not a pawn in your game! I'm not gonna have both of you fight over me, simply because of your rival."

"Well, Haru I challenge you to a race!" Rin challenged.

"Let's go!" The two boys walked towards the pool and start stripping.

"Guys, you need to calm down for two seconds and think this through. Also the pool has no water in it." I grabbed their arms and I saw both of them blush. "Why are you blushing?"

"Um... No reason!" They said in unison.

"Whatever. Let's get out of here! We'll get in big.."

"YOU ARE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!" A officer yelled.

"Trouble." I finished. Of course on my first day, I almost get arrested.

A Dolphin or a Shark  (Rin x reader x Haru) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now