I'm Your What?

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Isn't school the greatest? You have a chance at love, popularity, and going to a good college! I always try my best in everything I do so that I can maintain these three things!... Not... School is hell! From asshole teachers to dumbass students! All parents say that High School will be the best years of your life... Don't believe them! It's all a lie!

Ever since I became a junior in High School all I learned to do in successfully figure out how to give idiotic lectures on things that have nothing to do with the class. I'm not popular, smart, athletic, and to and on top of it all I don't really exist! Well... I mean I do but you get what I'm trying to say right? No? *Sighs* Let me tell you what I mean. I have no reason to exist in High School.

My grades are average, my stamina is low, and because of that I am not noticed at all! The teachers hate me because if I haven't told you already I will now but my hair is a high definition red color. I dyed it this past summer. In addition I have three earrings in each ear and a rose tattoo on my right arm. I don't really care about my problems much but there's one girl who pisses me off so very very much. Mari Cross. Yes the most preppy popular girl I have ever met. Blonde hair, deep blue eyes, natural curly hair, yada yada yada... She is a senior now but is in almost all of my classes because her elevator doesn't go to the top floor (if you get what I mean). She constantly has boys around her and acts so pure and nice... So much for this school year...

~Thursday March 16th , 7:53 A.M.~

I dashed into school attempting to get to class on time. My alarm clock died on me apparently last night making me get up late and missing my bus. The bell rang throughout school causing me to wince in pain. I have sensitive ears which are easily bothered by loud noises. In addition to that if nothing else could be bad I will most likely be late for first period. Literature. Last year our teacher was super cool with students but she quit sadly so now we have some guy who believes that yelling solves problems. As I finally got to his room I entered having at least twenty eyes staring at me. The teacher looked over at me while sitting firmly at his desk and sighed.

"How many times have I told you Ms. Stoll to be on time to at least my class?" He asked. I looked around the room to figure out an excuse but couldn't come up with anything.

"I apologise, Mr. Wells, for my tardiness. I missed my bus." The teacher got up and walked over to me handing me a demerit slip and whispered in my ear.

"Do it again Ms. Stoll I dare you! Next time I will suspend you myself!" Mr. Wells went back to his seat and continued to teach his lesson. My seat was in the back next to my two best friend Devin Niese and Lara Wilker. They both greeted me with a smile and some quiet chats.

"What's up his ass today?" I asked pointing to Mr. Well's. Lara shrugged and frowned.

"I heard that his wife is getting a restraining order on him and divorcing him. I heard he hit her for going out with friends even though she told him she was. He accused her of cheating on him but I wouldn't blame her if she did..." Devin said. I laughed quietly towards Devin and Lara.

"The cheeky bastard deserves it..." I said with a sigh. Looking back up to the board I noticed that the lesson was on dystopian settings. Mr. Wells was asking random people to answer the question about what story would be under that setting. He looked at me and smiled as if he were the devil himself.

"Ms. Stoll why don't you name me a dystopian book?" I looked around the room for a answer but shrugged to myself and decided to answer.

"How about 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami?" I asked. Mr. Wells laughed at me and yawned.

"Ms. Stoll I meant for you to name an actual book that exists." I stood up and walked over to him with my book bag still in hand. Reaching into it I pulled out the book itself and pressed it onto his chest.

"Enough proof?" I asked smiling. Mr. Well looked through the book and then handed it back.

"Fine Stoll good job..." Mr. Wells uttered in defeat. I may or may not try to do good sometimes... I walked back to my desk proud and giggling. The period ended and I hurried to my next class... or so I thought... Out of nowhere Mari and a bunch of boys came running down the hallway. Because Mari is just so "perfect" and such a "goddess" this happens literally all the time.

"I don't like any of you please go away!" She screamed frantically. The boys stopped and smiled.

"Don't be like that Mari I love you so very much!" One of the boys shouted. Mari screamed again and ran towards me.

"But I can't because I already have someone!" She said. Without warning she grabbed my head and pulled me in close for a gentle but powerful kiss. Afterwards she pulled me in close to her from my waist and wrapped her arms around my neck. Up close I noticed that Mari is slightly shorter than me and that she was not as preppy as I had thought her to be. I will not freak out... Calm down Ava... The most popular girl in school just... kissed... you... what the hell... Mari looked up slightly at me and smiled.

"Sorry boys but I'm afraid I am taken. By my girlfriend Ava." She said calmly as she pecked me on the cheek.

"What?!" I shouted pushing her away. Mari frowned and grabbed me again but this time she held me tighter.

"Tell anyone and I will tear you apart Ava!" She whispered to me with her demonic grin. She then pulled me by my arm to drag me along with her.

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