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"Devin, Lara, if you two properly execute the task we've given you, both of you shall have as we discussed before. My wife and I have prepared $1000 for you, along with our promise and also personal miniature cameras that you may use for whatever you desire. -Mr. Stoll"

I folded the paper back up and slipped it into my pocket. We got proof now... We can officially press charges, right? Will Devin and Lara help me? Wait, why would they? They must hate me now... Oh well... I know we can do this...

"Mari, we need to go. Now. Vixen, can you come with us? Bring the crushed chip with you also." Both of them nodded and so we hurried out the double doors and into Mari's car. She tossed me the keys and once the other two piled in I floored the gas and rushed down the road.

"Where are we going exactly, Ava?" Vixen asked from the back seat. Mari turned around in response to her and frowned.

"Either the police, or her parents." Vixen shuddered and turned to look out the window without another word. It's was only about ten minutes before we reached the police station and we all barged in. A woman at a counter welcomed us and immediately brought us to one of the section of the station. There, we met a tall, African American lady who smiled at us warmly.

"So, I presume you three are here to speak about something to me? You all look extremely upset." She said with a saddened expression. I slammed the paper down on her desk and backed away.

"I hate to be a bother, but my parents have been pestering me nonstop for the past few days..." I explained everything that was going on between them and handed her everything we had so far. The lady took a look at the items and sighed.

"Okay, here's what we can do. I can have a few officers go over to your parents house and question them. If they lie about any of the things you told me, then we will obtain a search warrant for illegal substances or anything else that pertains to this case. I need you to get your three other witnesses, Nathan, Devin, and Lara. As of now, lay low and down cause any disputes between them. Understand me?" She asked. We all nodded and left the station. None of us spoke until Vixen told us to drop her off at home.

"We... can pull this off, right?" I asked, unsure of myself and of the outcome. Vixen smiled and put a hand on my soldier.

"You got this, Twinkle Toes. I gotta go, so see you guys tomorrow!" She said before hopping out of the car. It was then just Mari and I. We both kept quiet until I slammed my face into the steering wheel, triggering the horn to ring out. Mari picked my head back up and questioned me, but stopped once she saw tears roll down my face.

"I hope this means it will all end soon! I can't deal with this shit no more! I can't be burdening you like this, Mari. I'm so sorry..." She smiled and rubbed my back gently.

"You are fine, Ava. I'm just glad that, for once, you aren't putting up a front. I'm not really qualified to say this, but I'm so proud of you and glad that I have you." I sniffles softly and chuckled quietly. She always knows just what to say... I started the car back up once again and hurried on to our house. Nathan was already home since we asked one of the workers to pick him up, and so everyone was there to greet us with radiant smiles. I've never been so happy and fulfilled in my life... Mrs. Cross prepared me some coffee once again and we all discussed what our day was life. As suspected, they were both worried about Mari and I when I told them about what we did, but nonetheless they both backed us up and offered their help if we need it in the future. Nathan was generally happy that we got dirt on our rogue parents, and gave me a big hug which is pretty rare from him. As time went on, we made future plans to theme parks, aquariums, and other places to "celebrate Nathan and I's official welcoming into the family" as Mrs. Cross put it. She and Mr. Cross have already decided to legally adopt me if all goes well with the trial. Not long after, Mari and I headed on upstairs for bed. We no longer have separate rooms, instead, Mrs. Cross had some of her workers tear down a wall between two rooms and put in all of our belongings and purchased a bigger bed to fit the two of us. It is a little embarrassing, but I'm so glad that we will literally be together 24/7 now.

"Tonight, we should really get some sleep, Mari. Just in case you had some other plans for us tonight." I said, winking at her with a giggle. She threw a throw pillow at me in response and laughed.

"I wasn't planning on it, 'Twinkle Toes'" she continued to throw more and more pillows at me until I charged at her, knocking her to the other side of the floor from the bed. Mari sat up and immediately met face to face with me. "Ok... Touché..." She muttered, sitting up and pushing me backwards. I laughed at her again and stood back up to lend her a hand. Mari gratefully accepted it and spineed me back around onto the bed for payback...

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