The Note

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As Mari and I walked in, Vixen and Conner greeted us with a snicker, gesturing us to follow them. We did so without any hesitation and walked through the halls until we reached the band room. It's a secluded room on the outskirts of the school. None of the band members actually go in there to do anything, and so students usually hang in there. When we walked in, we we're greeted by Riley and Steph along with Devin and Lara who were now surrounded by all four of them.

"Sup, Ava. Listen, we caught these two trying to break the locks on your locker. They also had this on them." Riley said, handing me a small chip.

"What's this for?" I asked, unsure if I actually wanted to know the answer. Vixen stepped towards me and took the chip from my hand.

"It's a tracking chip. Once you carefully input this type of chip into someone's phone, it automatically track you're movement wherever you go. Along with that, this kind can also attach itself to your public and private files and wirelessly send them to it's owner. In other words, these two were either wanted to slip this into your phone for their own good, or someone paid them to do it." I shot a vicious glare and Devin and Lara before taking the chip back and throwing to to the ground before stomping on it. My anger got the better of me, to say the least, and I completely annihilated the chip.

"Oh, I know exactly who put them up to this..." I muttered before facing them once again. Lara flinched at my sudden movement, and so I immediately strutted over to her and held her up by her shirt collar. "It was them, wasn't it? My asswipe parents? Tell me everything, Lara, and tell me now!" I screamed at her. She shook in feat as she spit out a few simple words.

"Y-yes... It was them..." I lost my shit. They just don't give up, do they?  I dropped Lara without any care and faced Devin.

"How much? How much did they bribe you, and why the hell did you accept it?" I asked, trying to contain myself.

"They offered $1000 to each of us. Your dad also offered your... body as a second half of the payment..." He struggled to say, keeping his eye contact on the floor. Mari put her hand on my shoulder, signaling me that we should go. Before we left, I thanks Vixen and her crew for helping us and told them to "take care of" my "friends". With that we left and headed to our own classes...

As I walked to English, Lara came over to me and tugged my shirt. She said nothing, but looked at me with pleading eyes as if to say to give her another chance. Of course, I continued walking, ripping her hands off of my sleeve without a care in the world. Lara called after me, but I didn't listen at all and went on.


I met up with Mari after our classes and headed to lunch with her. The gang met up with us down there and so we all sat together as usual to talk about the situation today.

"You didn't have to crush that chip you know, Ava. I could've fixed it up so I could could use it. You're such an asshole sometimes..." Vixen said, holding in her laughter as she held up the remains of the chip in her palm. We all had a good laugh about it and kept going.

"So, what else we're those two doing to her locker?" Mari asked, gesturing to me as she asked. Steph scratched her head and sighed.

"I'm pretty sure I saw Devin with a crumbled paper which he threw in the trash can. Man that thing hasn't been cleaned out for weeks..." She groaned, pretending to waft away fake noxious odors. Mari looked back at me and whispered.

"We Need to check out that can after school!" Mari exclaimed with a half smile which soon then into a face of complete disgust, "Ew... That's going to be hell..." She trailed off sadly. After lunch, we all went our separate ways and hurried onto the rest of our classes. Time flew by without any issues and soon school was over. Within ten minutes, there was no one besides Vixen, Mari, and I left in the hallway. We hurried over to the trashcan and knocked it over to see the contents.

"Papers, notebooks, cigarettes, beer, blah, blah, blah... Here! I shouted, grabbing a rolled up paper. I unraveled it to reveal it's note to me...

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