A Promise Made To Me

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So apparently I'm Mari Cross' girlfriend now... What? I have no fucking clue what the hell is going on anymore in my life. I'm pretty sure I'm straight... I think... well whatever... After school she invited me, I mean she forced me to promise I would meet her at her last period class so she could use me as a human shield from unwanted boys. Well it's not like I care I had nothing to do anyways and this might boost my popularity with my classmates... I'll give it a shot...

I sprinted through the hallway past guys standing directly in the middle of the hallway for no reason whatsoever. I don't care though and just pushed them out of the way and continued to the 200 wing which was on the opposite side of the school from where I was. I don't even know why I was actually doing this but I just did and was greeted by Mari at the front door when I got there.

"You're late" she said looking away.

"Sorry princess there was a blockade of boys in the hallway that were wanting to talk to you." I said as I sighed and glared at her. Mari yawned and stomped past me towards the boys who seemed to be crying velociraptors. As she reached them she looked back at me and nodded her head telling me to come over. I don't know why but I actually went over there and played the part of the "girlfriend".

"M-Mari who's that?" Asked one of the boys who was attempting to analyze my data by staring me down. I guess I should do my part now... I put my arm around Mari's waist and pulled her closer to me.

"I'm her girlfriend. Got a problem with it?" I asked looking up at the crowd of boys. Each one of them looked at one another and then back at me.

"Prove it to us then. Kiss her." Commanded one of them. I looked to Mari who at first tried to shake her head but then gave in and nodded. Man this is shit... Without another thought I turned to her and planted a rough kiss onto her right cheek. The boys sighed and groaned.

"On the lips!" Another yelled. I licked my lips and again went closer to Mari but this time I tried to lightly kiss her on her lips. At first she tried to back away but I kept her still and continued. Sorry but you can't back out of your promise you made earlier...

-Before the end of school soon after Mari said that Ava was her girlfriend-

Mari dragged me away from the crowd of people who were questioning both of us.

"If you help me Ava I will do something for you in return." Mari pleaded. I sighed and backed away from her.

"What do I have to do and what can I get in return?" I asked Mari. She snickered and took a step closer to me.

"I hear that you happen to live alone in an apartment with your younger brother. How'd you end up like that? Oh I know! Your mom killed herself and your dad disappeared isn't it?" She asked with a devilish grin.

"So what? You think I'll come crawling to you for help?" I replied. Mari groaned and backed away.

"Just thought that you would want a chance to make your younger brother happy." She said walking away. Jesus I can't believe I'm doing this...

"Fine. I'll take the deal. You let us live with you and I'll help you with your boy troubles..." I said holding out a hand for an agreement.

"I knew you'd come around..."

It was a chance worth taking. My brother is the world to me, no, he is my world. He's the only reason I'm still breathing here and now, so I have to do everything in my power to make him happy. My eyes peered to the devilish girl in front of me and she smiled wider. Making this deal is like making one with the devil himself. She gains more out of this than me, but what? I sighed to myself, caring not for the answer. It doesn't matter either way, I have to take this deal to make my brother happy, even if it means a little trauma.

"If you break the promise though, I will ruin you, Mari. I don't care if I tot I'm prison, I'd make sure you'd pay." I stated, tightening my grip on her hand. She pulled her hand back quickly, rubbing it as it radiates with pain.

"I understand... I gain from this too, so why would I ruin it?" She asked, smiling like the little fox she is. We parted ways, but her fiendish smile remained in my mind the whole time...

-Current situation-

I finally released her and stood back. It my first kiss and it was with a girl. I know I was blushing pretty badly but it wasn't as bad as Mari who was hiding her face and turned the other way. Did I just fuck up my chance to help me and my brother out? After a second or two she turned back around with a smile on her face and wrapped her arms around my neck and looked up at me.

"I'm soooo happy you made the first move..." She said licking her lips. This bitch... I sighed and smiled back down at here despite hiding my slight anger.

"Anything for my girl..." I whispered with a grin. I almost forgot about the guys standing right next to us but it seemed that they had all left without saying another word as if they were quite frightened. if that was so then I honestly wouldn't blame them then. Mari then wiped her lips in an attempt to erase my very existence on her body. She turned to my at first angered by what I did but smiled.

"I do have to thank you I suppose... You got those idiots off my back for now so I guess I shall need your presence yet again for this year probably. Mari turned to walk away but stopped mid way and turned back to me licking her lips. "That kiss wasn't half bad though so maybe you should do it again sometime 'for your girl' Ava." I sighed and then blushed again. Slowly I reached up to touch my own lips to see if I could feel the sensation I had just experienced.

"Her lips were... so soft..."

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