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Weeks pass, and soon prom is only a few days away. It's weird to think that Mari will be going to college in a few months, especially since we will be separated for little over a year as soon as she leaves... She hasn't even told me where she got accepted to, but I hope it's close to home and affordable. Somehow I managed to sneak in the prom dresses and corsage without her noticing. Mom told me before that Mari wasn't even planning to go to prom, but maybe I can convince her otherwise, especially since I will have one more surprise for her at prom. Only two day left until prom, and four until senior graduation. Just thinking about that gets me excited, but sad as well since my little flower will be off to college. I kind of sound like a parent now, huh? Well, Mari is more like a kid than an adult, but I guess I better start treating her like one. It was now Thursday morning. A day like any other, well not really. It was time to actually ask Mari to prom to see if she will go with me. We drove to school in almost complete silence, but she seemed to be excited about something that I was unaware about. Once we got there, immediately a large group of guys approached Mari.

"M-Mari Cross, would you do me the honor of becoming my date to prom?"

"Ms. Cross, will you please accompany me to our prom?"

"Mari Cross, please go to prom with me!" Others kept yelling over each other in hopes to attract Mari's attention. She simply looked at them and smirked before folding her fingers into one and holding up the hands that had been grasped together.

"Guys, I'm pretty sure you already know I have a girlfriend and that I'm not interested. Thank you all, but it's going to have to be a no." With that, we walked off, listening to the sounds of guys bawling and groaning over what she had just said. I smirked to myself and grasped her hand slightly tighter. I'm so lucky to have such a girl. We met up with Vixen and the gang soon after we entered the school, and it seems like nothing else was really going on with Lana and Devin. In fact, Devin and Lana had stop talking to each other completely and moved onto new groups. After talking a bit, Vixen brought me aside and questioned me.

"You know, you better get ready to ask Mari to prom today! You can't keep putting it off, plus, you know she's going to say yes since you bought all those things for it." I sighed and nodded to her, understanding my own procrastination.

"I got everything ready. Flowers are in my gym locker, the chocolates are in my regular locker, and the corsage is in it's case in my book bag. I got this. I'll do it after school today, ok? Just make sure you're there because I need some support and you'll need to hold the flowers and chocolates since, obviously, I can't hold all those at once." She smiled and put her thumb up, agreeing to help me.

"Got'cha. Good luck, lover girl!" She said before walking off and going to her own hallway. The hours pass like seconds, and soon it was time to get out all my items and meet with Vixen by my gym locker to grab the flowers. I had told Mari to wait by the front of the school for me because I forgot my gym clothes so I could grab the corsage and chocolates from my locker without having to hurry and get them. Once outside, I spotted Mari amongst more guys and some girls who were questioning her. The corsage went behind my back and I gestured Vixen to do the same with the items I had passed to her. After a few seconds, Mari noticed me and skipped my way.

"Hey, what took you so long?" She asked, smiling cheerfully at me. I smiled in return and turned to vixen and nodded. Without a single word, I dropped down on a knee and held out the corsage before me.

"I had to get some things for you, Mari. Would you please be my date to the prom, darling? It will definitely be a night you won't forget, and I will have another surprise for you there. What do you say? Be mine at prom?" I asked, holding out the corsage with a nervous smile. Mari cupped her hands and placed them over her mouth in surprise. Soon, she put them down, revealing a wide smile. She couldn't even choke out any words as a few tears rolled down her face.

"Yes! A thousand times, yes! Oh my God, Ava!" She finally shouted, quickly wrapping her arms around me. She then looked over to Vixen who was holding her chocolate and "favorite" flowers, irises.

"I decided to get you our flowers and some chocolate because I know just how much you adore sweets." She turned to me again and laughed.

"You know me too well, Ava!" She joked. I shook my head and handed her the corsage, nearly beginning to cry myself.

"I'm happy to know a lot about you since I love to learn things about you. You're my sunshine and my only sunshine, and I hope you feel the same about me." She quickly responded to me, grasping my hands and leaning in for a kiss. It was warm and inviting. Rather than a short one, she held the first of many for a few seconds and laid her head onto my chest.

"I love you, Ava." I was happy to respond to her, and even more so to hols onto her with a wild grin on my face as I did so.

"I love you more, Mari."

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