My Brother Meeting Ms. Popular

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After school ended I hurried over to my little brother's school. He is currently in eighth grade and is an honor student. The problem with him though is that he is quite silent in class because he doesn't know a lot of people that he likes. Because of that he is labeled an outcast and constantly gets picked on by the kids in his grade. His school was only about 3 blocks away from mine so I usually walked there and back to our house. As soon as I got there he was already sitting in front of the steps of the entrance.

"Hey goofball what's wrong?" I asked him. He looked up at me with a faint smile and stood up.

"Nothing sis..." He muttered. I reached up and quickly put my fingers thru his hair and messed it up.

"Just tell me Nathan." My brother smiled and did the same to my hair for revenge. As he did that I "accidentally" bumped into him. We are a very childish pair of siblings but that's why we get along so well. Nathan is actually a very mature boy for his age. He stands about four inches taller than me, has chestnut brown hair, and a deep green eye color. We continued to mess around but were soon interrupted by a unwanted guest.

"Ava~" Chimed a voice that's all too familiar. Mari popped up behind me and hugged me tightly enough to make me unable to breathe.

"What Mari?" I asked her without turning around to face her properly. Mari released me and then went over to my brother who instinctively took a step back and flinched.

"Oh so you're the famous brother!" She exclaimed. Nathan nodded and then looked to me for answers.

"Nathan that's Mari my ummm... girlfriend...." I muttered still embarrassed by the fact. Nathan sighed and laughed.

"I always knew you would admit it to me sometime!" Nathan said.

"What?!" I yelled. "You thought I was a lesbian this whole time!?" Nathan continued to laugh and shook his head.

"Jesus I was just messing with you... mostly..." He said with a wide grin. "So umm... Mari... how'd you know about me?" He asked. Mari chuckled and put her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Let's just say we were having some fun and she spilled a couple things about herself..." Mari said while licking her lips slowly. Nathan looked at her then back to me with a confused look at first and then smirked.

"Did you do it?"

"No we did not Mari is messing around with you... right Mari?" I asked her with a threatening smile. She frowned but giggled again and rubbed my head roughly.

"Riiiiiiiighhhhhht..." She said with a sigh. I pushed Mari off of me and went over to Nathan just noticing a small bruise on his chin.

"What happened to ya?" I asked him as I inspected it closer.

"Nothing happened I just kinda got injured in gym today..." He muttered as he looked away. He was lying. Whenever he looked away from me it always indicates that he's lying to me. I know that he's usually picked on by the other boys but if he doesn't tell me himself I can't do anything. Mari walked over to me again and then reached out to Nathan.

"You know you're actually kinda cute for a geek..." Mari said with a grin. Nathan smiled but then faked a cough to go back to "normal mode".

"Whatever you wanna call me..." He said. I smiled and then checked my watch for the time.

"We better get going Nathan. It's already 4:43 P.M." I said with a sigh. We started to walk off leaving Mari behind but soon enough she stopped us from leaving by having some of her goonies block our path.

"I told you that you can come live with me in return for your... services..." Mari said with a cheeky grin. I sighed but then looked over to Nathan. He needs me. He needs this opportunity...

"Alright then can we get our stuff from home?" I asked. Mari chuckled and shook her head.

"There's no need for that. We have already purchased need furniture and even got you two new phones to stay in contact and new clothes because those," she said pointing to our beaten up clothing, "are atrocious and a fashion don't." I laughed and grabbed Mari and hugged her.

"Thank you... really you are helping us so much..." I muttered. Mari smiled and wrapped her arms around me lovingly.

"Well you are my "girlfriend" now..."

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